Halfway and Ready for a Change

Posted on the 14 May 2014 by Olivia

How surreal this almost seems. Not too long ago I had almost given up running after barely getting started, and now I’m almost halfway through my C25K scheme. For the majority part of my life I’ve despised running, I could barely run for 1 minute without getting short of breath and every muscle in my body begged me to stop. Some days have been incredibly tough and I’ve asked myself why I’m actually doing this. Then there are those days where the clouds part, the sun comes out and everything seems possible. Like the optimist that I am, I try to focus on those positive days and change my way of thinking. I can’t change the past, but I certainly can change and improve my present and future…all it requires is some discipline and dedication.

Just because I’m getting closer towards my goal doesn’t mean I’ll stop there. My journey has only  just begun and there are many more extraordinary adventures to come. With that said, I believe I’m ready for a change. A change that I will take you all with me.

Behold, my new blog haven that goes by its new name:

This Veggie Runs

I’ve felt for quite some time that my blog name didn’t really portray what I was blogging about, and truth be told it was actually meant to act as a temporary option.  This time I need a clearer message. Something that will describe the overall topic of this blog and me as a person, yet stay simple and easy to remember.  So in short, I’m a vegetarian who runs!

I’m still uncertain how all of this will work out with changing a blog name, but hopefully all my posts and all you lovely followers will follow with it.*fingers crossed*

P.S. You may still see my old blog banner. I need to find some time to sit down and design a new one. Please, bare with me! Hopefully this change won’t be too traumatic for all of you. ;)