Halfpastnormal is Who We *still* Are

By Specialneedmom2 @specialneedmom2

Welcome to halfpastnormal, a blog about our super-powered special needs family.  We try to live life to the fullest as we juggle the strengths and needs of all family members.  Hubby has ADD, my six year old has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, my four year old has Prader Willi Syndrome and my two year old is typically developing, not that we love him any less for it.

Regular readers may notice that I’ve fallen behind in frequent updates – my apologies, but we’re expecting Baby #4 in January, so I’m spending naptime napping, rather than blogging.  I hope to fix that now we’ve settle into our new home in Smalltown, Ontario.  We’ve recently moved from the busy Greater Toronto Area, population 6 million and famed for traffic, condos, and a high cost of living to Smalltown, Ontario, famed for farms, forests and lakes, and close ties to family and friends.  And you can bet we’re thrilled to be living in Smalltown.  The kids are happier, Hubby and I are happier and we are truly living life to the fullest.

Right now our days are spent with me as SAHM – tackling housework and visiting our local Ontario Early Years Centre with two year old The Dunk.  The Dunk is such a regular at the centre that staff ask him to help with chores such as loading the dishwasher, cleaning, and vacuuming!  He loves it.

Little Miss Adorable, a proud four year old with Prader Willi Syndrome started Kindergarten this year in our local public school.  School is a place she shines, super social and outgoing, all 360 students know her by name.  The day she started walking independently all staff knew about it 15 minutes after her arrival.  Little Miss Adorable loves animals (especially our latest addition, a new dog named Maggie) and is a veteran of therapeutic riding and dance class.  She also has the Princess Gene (it’s not a coincidence that her first steps were in a large urban shopping mall, where she then proceeded to march into high end jewelry and clothing stores).

Six year old Mr. Sensitive has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and is considered to be ‘in a good place’ with this progressive disease.  Check out Right Now for more on this.  He can walk, run, and hop (sort of) and fatigues easily and gets muscle cramps, but he loves exploring the forests, lakes and wetlands that surround our new home.  Mr. Sensitive loves rough and tumble play with other kids, visits to the library and Early Years Centre and joining the boys in Beavers on their adventures.

Welcome to our halfpastnormal life, stick around, have a cup of tea and visit for a while.  We’re thrilled you dropped by.

Please check out:

The Adventures of Little Miss Adorable

Mr. Sensitive vs. His New Winter Coat

My Husband is Superman

A Story of Angels – Before you were born

In Praise of Slow

Big Truck – A Day in the Life of The Dunk