Half-term Plans

By Clairejustalittleless

I love this time of year when the leaves are at their most vibrant but I also feel a little bit sad that British Summer Time (BST) is about to end (reminder: clocks turn back next weekend). So, these last days of longer daylight hours are precious. I've decided I need a list and I need to be accountable. Here goes... a list of things that I'd like to achieve, as well as jobs that need to be done and I've also thrown in a few fun ideas too.
  • Get going with a new community garden initiative that we're involved in, to revive a disused allotment site (more posts on this to follow). I've got 200 leaflets to distribute around our neighbourhood to publicise an open afternoon next weekend. We should be proud allotment owners soon.
  • Visit our youngest son in Reading for the first time since we dropped him off. I can't wait to see him. We're taking Mum and also dropping in on my brother-in-law and partner who live in nearby Wokingham. I'm looking forward to some quality family time.
  • Do some more painting in our hall; the walls are very marked, painted magnolia and are screaming out for some fresh white paint.
  • Tidy our tiny garden, empty some summer pots and plant a few more bulbs (I've already planted some tete-a-tete bulbs).
  • Hang some fairy lights in the kitchen for some winter hygge. 
  • Resist the urge to have my haircut. I'm finding my pixie crop too expensive to maintain. 
  • Finish reading Inside Vogue: My Diary of Vogue's 100th Year by Alexandra Shulman. I've really enjoyed this book so far.
  • Visit Lyme Regis. We've got a two night stay in an airbnb.
  • Read Persuasion - it's partly set in Lyme Regis.
  • Choose, carve and light a pumpkin, then find a feel good film to watch for an early Halloween movie night.
  • Get outside more: walk rather than drive; go for a short run; walk through the woods; listen to the sea; kick some leaves; sit on a bench with a beautiful view; watch squirrels scrabble about; do some digging in the garden; and throw some leaves into the air. 

Have a great week xo