I have always had really thin, fine hair that knots like heck. Hairdressers constantly picked up upon it and it was really embarrassing to hear 'oh gosh, this is so hard to brush' as they yanked on my scalp. Enter, the Tangle Teezer (£10.99). This little genius of an invention as completely changed the way I feel about my hair, I can't remember the last time I dreaded brushing it. It's gentle bristles and no handle that makes it easy to control means that my knots are released without any pain or tugging on my scalp. Over the past few years I have seen a huge improvement in my hair and this is the only hair tool/product that I have used consistently for five years so I'm thanking this!
Are you an owner of a Tangle Teezer? I think I have had all the colours but I am really loving this pastel offering that they have right now! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below on whether you have tried one of these or not! Thanks for reading!