Hair Care Summer Tips

By Thindes78
I had my hair cut short was when I was 13; that was 23 years ago and since then I have had long hair, until a few months back. I have very thick and coarse hair, and back when I was a teenager there was no such thing as hair straighteners, so for me, having short hair kind of looked liked I had a helmet full of frizz - not a look I liked, thus that one hair cut 23 years ago, put me off having short hair, until last year. 

It was just before Christmas when I decided to go short (knowing I had the tools to control my hair), thus, I had a long bob that sits just on my shoulders and I love it.

Although it is easier and looks healthy in some sense, it does force me to pay more attention to it, purely because I can't just pile my hair in a bun like I used to!  - I wear it down a lot more now, which is great.

However, it also means I am using hot straighteners on my hair alot more, causing damage, thus my tip in protecting your hair from heat, is to add a tablespoon of coconut oil in with the condition. This adds a layer of protection, and locks moisture in.
Below are some further great tips on hair care by on how to achieve healthier hair:

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