Habitat for Humanity Redesigns Lives in Dallas

By Ohsocynthia @OhSoCynthia

This is just a random before and after shot and is not affiliated with this organization.

We all know a new outfit can lift your spirits and give you renewed confidence, but your home is where you go to relax and recharge. If your space isn't conducive to that, then your spirit isn't getting the pampering it needs. Here's your opportunity to give a friend or coworker who needs a helping hand a leg up on making their house a home they can be proud of.
Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity is giving away a free $3,000 makeover to two deserving Dallas homeowners.On Friday, August 31, Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity will kick off its second Design Duel contest, which pairs local interior designers with deserving homeowners for the makeover of a lifetime. This year’s design challengers areBreckinridge Taylor and Pulp Design Studios.  
·   From August 31 to September 14, Dallas Habitat is looking for two Dallas County homeowners to win the three-week design makeover.
·   Both homes will be redesigned using materials and furnishings for sale at Dallas Area Habitat’s home improvement stores (ReStores).
·   Residents can enter at designduel.org or in any Dallas Area ReStore (2800 North Hampton Road in Dallas,  3546 Forest Lane in Dallas, and 451 West Interstate 30 in Garland)
View a highlight reel of last year’s Design Duel here:http://youtu.be/dhlp4hUU96A.