Guys Choice, Obama on Fallon, Lip Sync Battle and Rob Lowe News

Posted on the 10 June 2016 by Kristy47 @watchingwaytoomuch
June 10 2016

Trivia Answer: Billy, Ami, Rain, Bird, Noah, Bam Bear, Matt & Gabe

First Two: Mike O'Dea and Monica Caraffa 

Wednesday's Broadcast Top 5
NBA Finals-ABC 5.2/13.6
Jimmy Kimmel Live-ABC 2.3/7.6
NBA Countdown-ABC 2.3/6.9
American Ninja Warrior-NBC 1.6/5.7
Masterchef-FOX 1.2/4.0
Wednesday's Cable Top 5
American Dad-Adult Swim .8/1.7
Big Bang Theory-TBS .7/2.0
Real Housewives of NYC-Bravo .5/1.5
CMT Awards-CMT /5/1.5
Cleveland Show-TBS .5/1.5 
Wednesday's Social Media Top 5
CMT Awards-CMT 169,000 Tweets
Real Housewives of NYC-Bravo 14,000 Tweets
Hannity-FOX News 10,000 Tweets
The Challenge-MTV 8,000 Tweets
The Americans Finale-FX 7,000 Tweets

Early Morning Ratings for the Week of 5/30/16-6/3/16
Today Show 1.4/1.6
GMA 1.2/1.4

CBS This AM .9/1.0
THE SHOWS Lip Sync Battle
I barely wanted to watch LSB last night. Wasn't excited at all by the "celebs" battling for the belt. Not a fan of Zachary Quinto or Zoe Saldana but they KILLED it. Zoe had TBoz and Chili from TLC for "No Scrubs" and Zach had THE Cindy Crawford back in a tub for George Michael's "Freedom 90." You'd think those guest stars would be all anyone would talk about but it was really Chrissy Teigen's post birth boobs guest appearances that had me , LL and I'm betting the director on high alert. LL actually had to stop Chrissy and tell her to chill out, stand up and tuck those puppies back in a bit or they'd have to pay the pixeler quite a bit of overtime.

Spike Guys Choice Awards

I love any award show, even this ridiculous one.
Vegas, nearly naked dancers, mantlers, awards like: Best Girlfriend, Best Hot AND Funny Chick, The Jean Claude Gahd DAMN, most Unstoppable Jock, Comedy MVP, Woman of the Decade and Guys of the Decade. They literally mean absolutely nothing. Just an excuse for a bunch of celebs to head to Vegas, do some partying and gambling with their squads and have a good time. Kobe, GIgi, Keifer, Zac Efron, Bobby DeNiro & Joe Pesci, Von Miller, Olivia Munn, Julia Roberts and Matt & Ben were all honored with Mantlers. James Franco took home about 10 pair because nobody knew what to actually honor him for, so they called him a Virtuoso and gave him all they had left in the Mantler warehouse. Those things are dangerous. I can only imagine the Instagram photos to come out of James's next party. Someone doing one too many bong hits, and accidently impaling themselves on one of them. (Seth've been warned) The possibilities are endless. Matt and Ben were funny, Gigi was stunning, Adam Devine was odd, Kobe was cool, and even though Zac Efron had a crazy blonde hairdo he was still hot. Dermot Mulroney wasn't looking so good but I wasn't sure if he just wasn't aging well or its just a side effect of anyone who stands next to Matt Bomer. There was nothing else on last night, Orange is the New Black starts next Friday so a mindless fun awards for nothing event was fine by me


-President Obama was on Fallon last night along with Madonna. I think Obama would make a decent talk show host. Not sure that's the route he's gonna go when he leaves the White House but Comedy Central should think about him as Trevor Noah or Larry Wilmore's replacement. Obama should consider it, he'd make way more money in one year than he did as President. He did really well in the guest chair AND slow jamming the news, check it out: 
-HUGE news...huge...Rob Lowe has agreed to be the next celeb to be roasted on Comedy Central. No idea when or where but I can't wait for this one. I hope the sex tape isn't off limits.

-Direct TV renewed You Me & Her for 2 more seasons
Friday's Trivia Question: There was a theme this week...let me know if you got it.
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