Guns Don’t Kill. Gun Control Laws Kill.

Posted on the 15 July 2015 by Adask

The Evidence is Undeniable
[courtesy Google Images]

The Washington Times

The number of concealed carry handgun permits has skyrocketed since President Obama was first elected, while murder rates have fallen, according to a new report released Wednesday.

“Since 2007, the number of concealed handgun permits has soared 180% from 4.6 million to over 12.8 million, and murder rates have fallen from 5.6 killings per 100,000 people to just 4.2, about a 25 percent drop, according to the report from the Crime Prevention Research Center.

“And the number of permits issued is increasing faster every year. Over 1.7 million new permits were issued last year — a 15.4 percent increase over 2013, the largest such single-year jump ever, according to the report from the center led by President John R. Lott and research director John E. Whitley.”

The previous report is consistent with research done in the 1990s by Aaron Zelman of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms.  He showed that gun control laws that disarmed all the people in nations  like Nazi Germany, the former Soviet Union, and a number of other countries were always precursors to concentration camps and genocide.   As compared to a people who have the right to keep and bear arms, an unarmed people are not only more vulnerable to death at the hands of private criminals but also more vulnerable at the hands of the “public criminals” in their own governments..

Contrary to what the gun-control nuts would have you believe, the evidence has been clear for over a century:  Guns don’t kill people; gun control laws kill people–by the tens of millions.