Gunman Holding Store Captive Killed by Concealed Carrier

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

On Jan. 16, 2014, Kevin Mclaughlin, a white male, entered a Dollar General on Highway 22 in Orrville, Alabma, and began shouting and waving his gun in the air.

Other customers and delivery men were inside the store at the time of the incident. Several customers making their way into the store saw McLaughlin waving a gun and ran away. One of them was Orrville resident Deforest James, who said he exited the building shortly after Mclaughlin waved the pistol and told customers not to move. “He said he was looking for three bad mother—-ers and then I ran out and I busted out through the back door.”

Dallas County Sheriff Harris Huffman said the gunman “escorted a customer who was trying to leave the store and a cashier toward a break room. The cashier went in first and the customer went in behind her.”

McLaughlin had the gun on the customer, but it turns out “the customer” had a pistol concealed in a holster. When “the customer” got to the door, he pulled out his concealed weapon, turned around and shot McLaughlin once in the chest.

McLaughlin was pronounced dead at the scene. The tense ordeal played out in less than five minutes, police said.

Sheriff Huffman said “the customer” Marlo Ellis, 37, used his own weapon in the incident, for which he has a concealed carrier permit, and that the incident appeared to be a case of self-defense and Ellis was not charged for the shooting.

Sources: The Selma Times-Journal, WAFB

H/t HotAir and FOTM’s swampygirl
