Gun Range Near Schools

Posted on the 07 March 2015 by Mikeb302000
from ssgmarkcr
I came across this and made me think of your recent post about the couple who built their home at the end of a rifle range and are now wanting the range shut down.
    In this case, the range is being built in an area claimed to be "near" two schools. People living in Shingle Springs are taking aim against a gun range planned near an elementary school, but the county may not be able to do a thing about it. The outdoor range would be built along Highway 50 near Shingle Springs Drive on property owned by the Miwok indian tribe. Residents say that location would be too close to homes, schools and everyday life. El Dorado County Supervisor Brian Veercamp says he’s had calls on both sides of the issue, but despite complaints, there’s nothing the county can do to stop the tribe from building a range at that location. “My understanding is it’s federally trust land, through their protections of that, they pretty much have the right to do anything they want on their land,” he said. He says they have to rely on the tribe being good neighbors, and doing their part to best keep the range safe. Miwok lawyer AmyAnn Taylor says they will do that with 15-foot-tall berms to keep gunfire confined. “We’ve also designed baffling that would be over it that would catch any errant bullets. And the targeting system is designed to entrap the bullets and doesn’t even let it break apart,” she said. An acoustic consultant will also help try to minimize the sound of gunfire in the area. However, even if all of the safety concerns are addressed, it still boils down to perceptions.  It will be interesting to see where this goes considering the jurisdictional issues in the mix. “Even when they dig it down, even if they put up baffles, our children will still be playing to the sound of gunfire,” Tribble said."
El Dorado County Says It Can't Stop Tribe's Plans To Build Outdoor Gun Range Near Schools


El Dorado County Says It Can't Stop Tribe's Plans To Bui... The outdoor range would be built along Highway 50 near Shingle Springs Drive on property owned by the Miwok indian tribe. Residents say that location would be too...

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