Another canard used by gun nuts is that laws won't reduce the number of gun deaths. That is false. Studies have shown that the states with the most restrictive gun laws also have the lowest number of gun deaths per capita. The truth is that while gun deaths probably could not be completely eliminated, they could certainly be reduced by some reasonable and constitutional laws. And most people in this country know that.
Currently, about 40% of the gun sales in this country do not require (or receive) any background check at all. There is no excuse for that (especially considering that over 60% of the mass killers in this country bought their guns legally). This is something that could (and should) be fixed. About 90% of all Americans (including 85% of gun owners) want to see the loopholes in the current background check law closed -- so that no gun is sold without a background check. This would make it much harder for criminal felons, dangerous psychotics, and domestic abusers to get their hands on a gun (and that would be a very good thing).
The map above shows the number of gun deaths in this country in the first three months since the Newtown massacre (2,244 deaths). That is pathetic and unnecessary. But it's starting to look like the members of Congress, especially the Republicans, just don't care (as long as they get their NRA money and support for their re-election campaigns). It looks like the Republican-controlled House will kill any gun bill proposed, and the Senate GOP has promised to filibuster to prevent the Senate bill from reaching the floor for a vote.
As we watch the gun death toll mount up on the nightly news, we need to remember this betrayal by Republicans -- and punish them in the 2014 elections.