Gun Controllers Change Tactics to Mimic Those of Homosexual Movement

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Having failed to effect nation-wide gun control despite the Sandy Hook school massacre false-flag hoax, the anti-gun rights ilk are now taking a page from the successful “gay rights” and same-sex marriage movement: 

What you can’t get done at the federal level, try to get done state by state.

Genevieve Woods writes for The Daily Signal, Jan. 9, 2015:

John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety, explained to the New York Times that when advocates of same-sex marriage fought their battle at the federal level, they ended up with the opposite of what they wanted–the Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as being between a man and a woman was passed.  So, what to do?   Feinblatt:  “Then they went to the states and showed that if you can get the majority of the public on your side state by state, that will influence the courts and Congress in the end.

Gun control exponents are adopting two tactics of the “gay rights” movement:

1. Take the fight to the states.

2. Change the language: Just as homosexuals co-opted the word “gay,” thereby replacing the image of sodomites with happy sunshiny “gay” people, the gun control lobby also has decided to ditch the “control” part of its name because the word is so, well, controlling.  It now prefers to be known as the gun safety movement.

Whatever they call themselves, Woods warns that “despite what gun control advocates call themselves or what strategy they use, their ultimate goal is an America where citizens don’t have the right to bear arms.”

You are forewarned!

H/t Robert K. Wilcox
