Gun Control, Chicago Style: 3 Killed, 36 Wounded in New Year’s Weekend Shootings

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

I’m betting Obama won’t be touting Chiraq’s record of gun violence at his town hall meeting on reducing gun violence, scheduled for this Thursday.


These blog posts I do on Chiraq’s gun violence every weekend are like a broken record. As you know, Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. But that never, ever stops the criminals.

Over the Christmas weekend, Chiraq saw 3 dead and 14 wounded. During the New Year’s Eve weekend, they out did themselves: Three people were killed and at least 36 others were wounded in shootings across the city over the New Year’s holiday weekend. Read all the details at MyFoxChicago here.


See also:

  • Gun control, Chicago style: 1 killed, 22 shot over the weekend
  • Chicago police say father of 6-year-old who shot and killed 3-year-old brother got gun illegally
  • Gun control, Chicago style: More Than 50 People Shot for the Second Weekend in a Row in Chicago
  • No holiday respite for Chicagoans: 5 killed, 22 wounded in Labor Day weekend shootings
  • 3 killed, 23 wounded in weekend shootings across Chicago
  • Another typical weekend in Chicago: 4 killed, 29 wounded
  • Same ‘ol, same ‘ol in Chicago: 2 killed, 25 wounded in weekend shootings
  • Another typical Chicago weekend: 35 shot — 1 fatally — in gun violence
  • Hey #blacklivesmatter and #gunsense crowd: More shootings in Chicago this past weekend