Guide to Transforming Your Home on a Budget

Posted on the 13 August 2020 by Homeuptick

If you are looking to add a bit of style and uniqueness to your home, there is no need to spend a fortune. You can add a bit of pizazz and give your home that magazine looks without breaking the bank. One thing you will need to achieve this though is a guide to transforming your home on a budget.

Experienced renovators and decorators have a host of tips and tricks which can help you give your home a vibrant makeover.

The inside story

When you have no financial constraints, renovating and decorating is easy. You throw out the old and buy new appliances, furniture, and artwork. It’s as simple as that. When you are looking to create a new look for your home on a budget though, and are looking for home improvements that look great and are cheap, there are a few things you should know.

DIY is the way to go when transforming your home on a budget

Hiring professionals to complete any renovation and transformation you have planned might be the easiest option but it is also a much more expensive one. You should try to complete any work that needs to be done by yourself. This will contribute greatly to keeping the costs of your home transformation down. Another great bonus is that once it’s all done, you’ll be able to proudly show off your handiwork.

It’s all about the color

Choosing the right color for each room in your house is a big part of any home transformation and can help make your room feel warmer and more welcoming

Giving your interior walls a new coat of paint is just one of the things you can do by yourself that can have a big impact on both the look and feel of your home. Before beginning though, make sure that you consider what color you will be using carefully. Bright colors tend to open up a room and make it feel more welcoming but you shouldn’t go with anything too bright. Pastel colors are often a good choice. Consider both the size and layout of each room before choosing a color.

Another good idea whilst already painting is considering whether there are any walls or edges you can accent in a different color. You could also try with different colors for different rooms, for example, choose one color for your bedroom and another for your living room. This way if you need some daily change, you can just change rooms.


You can add some texture to the interior of your home by adding molds. Even simple geometric molds on the ceiling or along the border between walls and floors give the room a finished look.

Even more, texture can be added by changing the covers on your throw pillows or furniture. This can be just some of the decorations you might forget that make a big difference and a relatively cheap way of transforming an old piece of furniture such as a sofa and giving it a completely new look.

Do the shuffle

Rearranging your furniture and removing any furniture you don’t really use will make a room look more spacious and less cluttered.

Shuffling your furniture around and rearranging it can make a big difference. There are secrets to visually increase the space in the house and the layout of your furniture can be the difference between a room appearing cramped and small or spacious and open.

Always consider the layout of your room before picking a spot for your furniture and consider which furniture you really use and which is just collecting dust. Perhaps you could sell some of the furniture you don’t need.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Alright, maybe home decoration and transformation isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when we use the words „reduce, reuse, recycle“ but the fact of the matter is that this phrase is just as applicable to home transformation as it is to any other field.

If you have decided that you own furniture you don’t really use, consider whether there is another use you can find for it. For example, consider turning a bookcase into a display or even a small bar. Some of the shelves could be used to display an array of beverages whilst others could be used to display glasses. If you are handy with tools, you could even add some lighting to the shelves.

Use pieces of old cupboards and drawers to create shelves you could put books or houseplants on. You might have to re-paint some of the items or give them a new coat of varnish. Re-using old furniture can be very rewarding and will keep your costs at a minimum.

Repurpose space

Many of us have rooms or spaces in our homes that serve no other purpose than as storage for all the belongings we don’t use. Consider repurposing these spaces. It would be great to have an office at home that will boost your productivity. Well, you can. You don’t need a grand office at home – you need a small quiet space where you can focus and do some work.

The first step towards creating a space where you could work from home is getting rid of all the things you don’t need, de-cluttering, and organizing. Following that, it could be as simple as adding a desk or installing a countertop and some lighting.

The kitchen makeover

Getting rid of grime and limescale along with de-cluttering your kitchen countertops and storing away appliances will give it that fresh, new look.

We tend to spend more time in our kitchens than we realize. If we want to enjoy this time, we need to feel comfortable. A sparkling clean kitchen has a special appeal. Make sure to remove any dirt and grime from your kitchen tiles and backsplash. In fact, you could replace your entire backsplash if you find an affordable option you like. If a new backsplash feels too expensive, consider using vinyl wallpaper that is splash-proof. This is a durable and cost-effective alternative.

Make sure to give all your appliances a good scrub too. If some of your appliances are old and dented or scratched, consider getting some appliance paint which is made especially for these purposes. Soon enough your kitchen could look brand new.

Don’t keep people in the dark

You’ve come this far, which means you are obviously ready to put in the effort needed to transform your home on a budget. There is no point in doing all of this and giving your home a new look if you are going to keep it in the dark though.

Shine a ray of light on your home and your life. Lighting plays a key role in the appearance of any home. Getting the lighting right will make all of your efforts worthwhile. Using small lighting fixtures to accent details or pieces of decor can change the feel of the room. You don’t have to break the bank for great lighting either – after all, you are transforming your home on a budget.