Guest You Should Avoid

Posted on the 19 August 2019 by Shorttermrental @HomeRentalExp

Allowing guests into your space or apartment through Airbnb is a form of risk taken. So, Guest you should avoid will help you with first hand information on having to deal with issues that may arise between hosts and guests.

Therefore, admitting strangers into your home means there is a possibility that things could go wrong. In other word, to forestall the event of things going wrong is the need for us to under-study our guests and develop a template which best suit your own mode of operations.

Guest you should avoid

For example, the guest could have access to your private areas and/or steal your stuffs, guests could also disturb neighbors by making noise, partying, or blocking the drive way.

Therefore, the surest way of avoiding these problems is to screen your guest via the guest you should avoid template.

Please note that what a host A has the capacity of managing and getting good reviews at the end, another host B might lack same quality. Therefore, the need to know what best works for you.

Know your strengths; identify your weaknesses, what opportunities do you have, and also the threats around you (SWOT Analysis)

So, who is this guest you should avoid? These are things you should consider before you hit the approve button.

Check out for the warning signs.

A guest who is going to be a pain oftentimes comes up with a warning sign at the initial stage. You find such guest talking too much and bunch of silly questions. Certainly, this is a clear sign they are going to be a difficult guest.

Other warning signs may include; guests asking you suspicious questions. For example, are there surveillance cameras in the apartment? What does your daily movement look like? The exact time you go out and come in.

They query specific portions in the house rules recommendations by asking for exceptions to certain rules. Therefore, It is advisable you steer clear from these category of guest as the end might not be palatable.

Take out time to check through their references and reviews.

This is one of the best ways to have a feeling of the type of guest you are expecting. Read through their references and reviews. It is expected they have few good references from either employers, friends or even from family members if they care about previous Airbnb experiences.

The previous host reviews about them will give you an insight into their personality and whether they will end up as good guest. So, This is a good pointer a potential problem.

When reading through their references, have a look at what they have written about themselves, take a look at their photos.

When you therefore discover this part has not been filled in their profile, you should steer clear as this guest might not be fit for your home.

Look out for guests who will cost you more than they are paying.

There are stories of guest who would like to stay 30-minutes in the showers, especially in areas where water is a luxury, or guests having to share your personal toiletries while in your bathroom.

This behavior is oftentimes associated with the younger guests, but that is not always the case.

The best way out of this is to keep your house rules recommendations simple and clear. For example, if water cost much. Put it in your rules, no long showers. If electricity is expensive where you are, put it in your rules that guest must turn-off air-conditioning unit while they are out.

So, don’t just stop at the level of just reading couple of reviews written about your potential guest, let your house rules recommendations do the talking and you will be a happy host.

You might want to know if they are first-time travelers.

Surprisingly, there is an ongoing debate about who turns out the best guest, the younger generation or older generation?

A school of thought believes that having to host the younger generation is the best because they tend to be out of the house a lot, they don’t need to be pampered or seeking to have the attention of the host all times.

On the other hand, the older generation, does not like to pay and want luxury experience. So, decide which group you can tolerate in your home, weigh the pros and cons.

Interestinly, some believe younger guests are less respectful of amenities and sometimes end-up giving bad reviews after their stay while the older generation ends up giving good reviews.

Check out for guests with higher expectations.

Lastly, are they from the generation with higher expectations? It is often a common occurrence for people to have higher expectations as regards accommodation. Some have stayed mostly in hotels and guest houses.

So, they are bound to complain when things are not just clean enough or things are not just as expected. They can give bad reviews when expectations are not met.

In summary

In conclusion, don’t be scared to reject a request if you have a bad feeling about a potential guest. Be polite to explain they are not the best fit for your space, and wish your guest a happy vacation. These is a Guest you should avoid.

So, be smart not to give direct excuses as guest might end up convincing you on why you should admit them. They might just be the guest you should avoid.

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