So you head on over there and knock on Mary’s door. Turns out, Mary isn’t there! But Alice is. You don’t know Alice, but she’s nice enough. She offers you a cup of coffee and you two talk. But at the end of the day: Alice is not Mary!
And you really wanted to visit with Mary.
The same principle applies to guest posts!
I feel the same principle applies to guest posts! Which is why I don’t get their popularity. Don’t get me wrong. I know they’re a great promotional tool, and a good way to get your name and blog out there. But as far as reading guest posts goes: I’m not a fan.
When I go to a blog, I go there to read something the owner of the blog wrote. Not someone else. Sure, a guest post can offer something new, and quite often provides valuable information. But that’s not really the point, now is it.
So even though guest posts can be interesting, I still feel they’re the equivalent to encountering a stranger when you go and visit a friend.
Am I the only one who feels like this about guest posts? Let me know!