Guest Post : Manda from for Love of a Cupcake.

By Elleelizabeth @elleelizabethh
Hi everyone! I know you are missing Lindsay! I am so jealous right now....She's probably relaxing on a beach somewhere or having fun on the boat. Maybe doing some that I'm done wishing I was on a beach...I'll go ahead and introduce myself!I'm Amanda and I blog over at For Love of a Cupcake!
This is me eating some yummy cookie dough (one of my fav things). I guess I'll be eating this while Lindsay is having fun! haha
And since Lindsay is on's only fitting to talk about vacation...right?

Do you know that I don't even have a passport?!?!Crazy...I know! September I gert married and we will be going on a I should probably stop procrastinating and get one!Eric and I have only been on a couple of vacations.Our first vacation was to a resort near Austin, TX. This was the only photo we took! I guess we were having too much fun! that I think about it...we did get chased by bees and almost sprayed by a skunk. It was a vaca to remember!

Another vaca we went on was to New Orleans!This was actually a group vaca...with two other couples.And the best vaca of all was this past August. We rented a house in Austin for a long weekend with the same two couples we went to New Orleans with.

Eric proposed! We ate dinner at the rental house and after dinner the guys brought all of the ladies dessert under silver platters. I took off the cover to my silver platter and found"Will you marry me"!!
And in September...we will be taking our first out of country vaca togther as a married couple. Another eventful vaca if you ask me!
I hope you enjoyed running down memory lane with me as Lindsay is enjoying her vacation.
And thank you Lindsay for allowing me to fill in while you are having some fun!