Guest Post: “How to Use Stained Glass in the Home” by Ian Shaw

By Goedekershomelife @goedekers

Photo by Morley Glass.

When we think of stained glass, we usually think of the church and the grand stained glass windows that are featured across every brick wall. While this may look beautiful, it is definitely too grand for most of our homes.

If you like stained glass and would like to incorporate it into your home, why not take a look at these creative ideas to add a bit of color and light around the house?

Photo by Through The Round Window.

Stained glass doors

Whether you have them in the interior doors or in the main front door, stained glass windows are a great way to bring light into the house where it may be darker than what you prefer. These beautiful stained glass doors instantly add light in the hallway, which can often be an area that is overlooked as just the walkway to the rest of your home.

Photo by Scottish Stained Glass.

Stained glass windows

Stained glass windows are a great way to add character to a room that is most commonly used for functional purposes. You can really add color to a plain room with some stained glass windows, and you can go as wild or simple as you like. These three-paneled windows make this bathroom look classy and elegant yet at the same time make the room feel more private, which is just what you want and need for a bathroom window.

SGO Shower Door by SGO Designer Glass

Stained glass shower

While we’re talking about bathrooms, you could even use stained glass in your shower. This is a nice way to add a bit of creativity into a room that generally consists of white or beige tiles. This attractive piece of stained glass is just enough to accent the room without being too overbearing for a small space.

Photo by House Glass.

Stained glass above your doors

Another subtle way of using stained glass around your home is to feature it above your doorways. This allows you to let light in around the house but at the same time still keep your solid wooden doors. This style can work on both exterior and interior doors around the home.

Photo by You know how we’re an art family…

Hanging stained glass pieces

If you don’t fancy changing your windows or doors to incorporate stained glass, but like the look of it in your home, why not consider hanging stained glass pieces in the windows? Then, as they move, they catch the light and let an array of colors come through. This little decorative piece will capture the natural light and reflect the colors into the room.

Photo from LAGlass on Etsy.

Stained glass ornaments

Stained glass ornaments are a lovely gift for people, whatever the occasion, but they look particularly great on the Christmas tree or as decorations around the home. There are many craft fares around Christmas time that sell these types of gifts, or alternatively you could get crafty yourself and make your own. There will be plenty of starter kits available to buy, or you could take it one step further and go to a craft class to learn how to make them ahead of next year’s Christmas celebrations. Take a look at these decorative pieces that would look lovely in someone’s home this Christmas.

Author Bio: Ian Shaw has written numerous articles on home improvement, DIY and environmental friendly tips for Morley Glass.