Guest Post: “5 Messes You Can’t Afford To Forget When Spring Cleaning” by Madyson Grant

By Goedekershomelife @goedekers

Ah, spring, when flowers are blooming, birds are singing–and the house needs cleaning desperately. Spring calls for cleaning where no man has cleaned before. So here are five messy areas to tidy and conquer.

1. Shampoo the Rug

People and pets tramp through dirt all day then track it onto the rug. Dust from the furnishings also finds its way into the rug, where it creates a dust mite suburbia. Rent a good carpet steam cleaner, and make sure it has rotating brushes and a good-sized removable water tank. Use the shampoo that the manufacturer recommends. Move all the furniture and clean the whole rug, because rugs trap odors.

2. Wash the Curtains

When you see dust swirling in a shaft of sunlight, a lot of it is landing on your curtains. The curtains also retain household odors. Most curtains nowadays can go in the washer and dryer with no problems. But if you have insulated curtains with rubbery backing, the backing can melt in the dryer. Wash these curtains in cold water and hang them up to dry.

3. Clean Behind Appliances

Move the stove, refrigerator, washer, and dryer and clean behind them. Wipe down the walls and scrub the floor, then move the appliances back when the floor is dry; you don’t want to trap water under them. There will probably be large amounts of lint around the dryer, since lint has wanderlust and likes to fly around. Get rid of it, because it can be a fire hazard.

4. Dust the Rafters in the Attic and Basement

Rafters are the number-one place for spider webs to proliferate, and spiders will reproduce enthusiastically if they’re allowed to. They also attract predator insects, like centipedes. Remove all the spider webs and put down some boric acid, which is harmless to humans but destroys insect shells. This will put a crimp in their style before they begin breeding throughout the summer.

5. Replace Your Gutters

Spring is a great time to replace your gutters, before rain and autumn leaves clog them again. Have the replacement done by professionals. Covered, maintenance-free gutters will leave you free to do other things, like more cleaning.

Now that you’ve gotten rid of these five messes, the house is nicer and the world seems brighter and fresher. And, after all, isn’t that what spring is all about?

Author Bio: Madyson Grant is a small business owner and a professional writer. Her passion for helping others fuels her writing and her search for more helpful information. She is currently informing people of the benefits of Boulder Gutters services.