Guess What? There is a War Going On!

Posted on the 17 March 2022 by Doggone

I have to be amused at the ignorance of most people in regard to this situation. I don't know a lot, but I know a lot more than most of the people making pronouncements in the media. Let's start with the Cato Institute's ignorance of the situation.

First off, there was an agreement made at Budapest in 1994 that Ukraine would give up a rather large stockpile of nuclear weapons in exchange for its neutrality being guaranteed by the US, UK, and Russia. Ukraine's neutrality under this treaty is one of the missing factors in all this.

But even better, the arms sales that probably caused this war weren't to Ukraine. 

Nope, they were to Russia! There has been an Arms Embargo by the European Union since 31 July 2014 (Council Decision 2014/512/CFSP). This decision followed the annexation of Crimea and the proclamation of the Donbas separatist republics. Unfortunately, that document is very easily bypassed.  Official data shows that the arms trade continued with military equipment. From between 2015 and 2020, at least 10 EU member states have exported a total of €346 million worth of arms to Russia.s. France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Finland, Slovakia and Spain.

If anything, arms sales to Ukraine were what kept Russia from taking over. On the other hand, Charles Koch, was one of the founders of Cato. I believe the Koch family makes no secret that they made their money by helping Stalin build his petroleum industry. Then the Kochs went on to promote "right wing causes". Additionally, the Kochs are still doing business with Russia, which makes most of its money selling fossil fuels.

As Ambrose Bierce said ,

“Patriotism, n. Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name. In Dr. Johnson's famous dictionary patriotism is defined as the last resort of a scoundrel. With all due respect to an enlightened but inferior lexicographer I beg to submit it is the first.”
Of course, all that is a small sample of the pandering to Putain. It's amazing that even though he is publicly called a pariah: there has been a lot of support from the West and western governments. For those who want to sit on the sideline, they need to realize that Russia will continue its belligerant posturing. People in the Baltic States are aware of this and are also asking for a no fly zone.

I have mixed feelings about a no fly zone. It would be nice. On the other hand, there is the madman with enough nuclear weapons to end the world waging a war on a small country. It is indeed fantasy to think he will stop at Ukraine. it's also a fantasy to think he will not make a first nuclear strike for no reason.

After all, Putain started this war for no reason other than he saw western weakness and appeasement.

So, no. It isn't the West that is pushing former Soviet States to want to join NATO. It's Russian aggression. And it is Ukraine that is fighting on its own to try and remain free. Ukraine is doing a super job since it knows what the alternative is to losing this war.

Some people in the West need to appreciate that. It can make sure Ukraine is supplied to fight for the rest of the world. The West can also make sure that countries like Russia and China are kept from the world economy.

But, there already is a war going on. Are you waiting for it to come to your home?

See also: