Guess the Character: Movie T-Shirt Anthology Infographic

By Fibers @fibers

We love t-shirts! In all forms and sizes! That’s why we set about creating the definitive collection of t-shirts featured in movies: The Movie T-Shirt Anthology.

Each character was carefully chosen based on a variety of factors; how long did the character wear the t-shirt? Was the t-shirt memorable? Was the character memorable?

We limited out list to only live action characters (Muppets and humans) no cartoons and no animals.

Click the picture to see the full list and try to guess what movies these characters represent:

The characters were arranged chronologically, starting with the earliest and arguably one of the most iconic movie t-shirt appearances of all time. Marlon Brando in Streetcar Named Desire paved the way for this undergarment to be worn as a primary garment. Follow up by Rebel Without A Cause, these two movies really pushed the t-shirt into the cultural iconic position it’s enjoyed for half a decade.

We follow the trail of t-shirts and see them primarily worn as a utility piece (Caddyshack and Flash) or by crazy people (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Animal) – until the ultimate teenage slacker movie,  Fast Times At Ridgemont High, comes out in 1982. The Colt 45 t-shirt Spicoli wears is one of the first appearances we could find of a graphic/fashion t-shirt in a movie.

Go through the list yourself and see how many you can identify. Also, let us know if we missed any. There were a few that didn’t make the cut because they weren’t iconic enough or didn’t fit the criteria.

This one didn’t get in because we limited this list to humans and Muppets.

Leave a comment with the movie this little guy is from and we’ll put your name in a hat to win a $30 gift certificate. We’ll pick a winner on Thursday, July 19th.