GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Movie Props, Nova Corps, Sony Walkman, and MORE!

Posted on the 22 July 2013 by Geekasms @geekasms

I’ll come out and admit this, the more I’m seeing of the James Gunn helmed Guardians of the Galaxy, the more I’m looking forward to it, and yes I realize we’re still over a year away, just means my anticipation can build up all that much more.  I don’t know, something about it to me just feels like Marvel is having fun with this because they aren’t as well-known, where before, with Iron Man, Captain America and the rest, they had to stick to their guns more.  It could just be me, or the medication I’m on, I’m not sure.  If you come back in a few days and I’ve edited this first paragraph out, you’ll know which is it.

Along with the new title card and concept art we previously showed you (linked here for your convenience) photos have started popping up showing the display that Marvel had at this years Comic-Con showing some of the props and costumes that we’ll see in the movie.  You have what is believed to be Star Lord’s mask and Element Gun,  Drax’s daggers, The Nova Corps, and a Sony Walkman!!! (Squeee!!)

If that wasn’t enough, then honestly you’re unreasonably selfish!!  However I plan ahead, and also have some images of the cast from Entertainment Weekly.