Guanggu Feels Like Home!

By Joseph Harrison @JTAH_1990
They say 'home is where the heart is?' One corner of Wuhan, China has become a place that feels like home for certain. From the crazy bus commutes I love to hate, then finding some Chinese food with a Central Asian twist. Rising from a former piece of Wuhan's Hongshan district swampland, this ever-growing part of Wuhan is home for now. The Optics Valley of China! 
Finding myself within the crazy of Guanggu, Wuhan was a shock to my system, the sweltering July 2015 summer sun beat down upon me as I made my way to my then English Teaching employer. I had no clue what Guanggu would offer me, I was sincerely blinded by the piercing sunlight. I'm now in a completely different circumstance but all the better for it, working at a Kindergarten along the Guanggu No.1 Road it's been something of a challenge to deal with the early morning and rush hour commutes by bus. Getting my life, Guanggu is constantly showing me the way to live the Wuhan dream! Shopping makes this part of Wuhan tick but I just don't care for that pastime, An infusion of wannabe themed European streets make up Central Guanggu, getting on with life at the foot of Guanggu Square. I never imagined I would end up living in such a place like Guanggu, I love it! I hate the traffic but that's Wuhan!
I'm no Material Girl but the inhabitants of Guanggu seem to find a daily excuse to frequent the huge shopping centres of the Optics Valley Central area. World City Plaza has my attention, not for the shopping but for the food that's on offer. I have been for some lovely Western meals at that premium shopping and lifestyle center. Shops and restaurants close each night around 10pm without fail, leaving those dormant places behind I never say no to a great night out in Guanggu. Prison was a bar that I was introduced to by my former colleague, a super dive bar that has a meaning as strong as its name. Broadening my choices I love a proper pint of Carlsberg Lager at Captain Jack's, I wish they did Cider on draft but Lager will do for now. I still have to get some photos at 066 Live House Wuhan, I need a pay-rise with all these nights out! Almost six months down the line from being bewildered by the berserk sights of Guanggu, I'm no longer fazed by the crazy vibe of Optics Valley!
Having my own apartment in Guanggu, Wuhan has been absolutely magic! I live in my own apartment, located in the center of Guanggu that is only a few minutes walk from Optics Valley Square Station on Line 2 of the Wuhan Metro. There's nothing like coming home after a long day at work teaching to my own piece of silence, I look back and appreciate the year I lived at my Maternal Grandparents but I'm relishing this time living independently. I'm yet to have a house warning party even though I moved in on the 2nd of July 2015 but I have every faith this Christmas period will be the chance for me to hold a party of some sorts. I do not cook so I only have a toaster and kettle for little snacks, whereas my fridge comes in handy for the weekend for those chilled alcoholic beverages. I don't get lonely living on my own because I like my own company. Of course I love having my Guanggu residence! Oh, it's mine B!
I have friends here from England who also teach English in Wuhan, most of them share an apartment but I have gone through the whole sharing living quarters during my times spent living in the United States of America, a flat-share was out of the question! I might live basic in my minimally furnished apartment but that's more than enough for me, Wuhan is for now so I'm not lugging a whole pile of furniture with me when the time comes to live in another part of China, or even Asia! No! Oh, there's no Western toilet, I have the luxury of a Chinese squat toilet so that was a shock when I first looked at my now apartment. I only looked at one apartment, sensing that I was meant to say 'yes' at the first showing to make things easier but with a few home comforts and realising the location gives me the flexibility to be on the Wuhan Metro in less than five minutes or grabbing a few bits and bobs at my local Carrefour. From where I am now in my life Guanggu sure feels like home!
Upon arriving in Guanggu I was immediately told to try one of the eating places along Spanish Style Street, the novelty soon wore off when I found other more authentic places to eat. Guanggu's line of European themed streets don't impress me one shred, they don't serve an ounce of Wuhan Overness! On a whim I found a Halal restaurant/cafe ran by a Uighur family, an ethnic minority from the Western Chinese province of Xinjiang. This Turkic Uighur establishment serves some of my favorite Halal Chinese food, the family that own this restaurant slip from Mandarin for the customers and their own Turkic sounding language. Uighur restaurants are plentiful in Wuhan, well I know that there's at least three restaurants of that kind in Central Guanggu. I knew from the very beginning that good food wasn't going to cost me a lot, like I mentioned that's why I have only got a kettle and a toaster! I love it Wu!
Captured above is Guanggu Street, this busy street food pit-stop fuels the busy people of Guanggu on a daily basis, I love my street food! Located opposite my apartment it doesn't take me too long on a Friday to get my barbecue treats to toast the weekend. When one shop or food outlet closes it doesn't take much time for a new business to open within a matter of days. A new food outlet just opened next to one of the Uighur noodle shops, from what I saw from the busy goings on at this new place looked to be some kind of baked bread with a meat and seasoned filling, sounds like a Chinese pasty to me! I've just clocked that both outdoor photos of Guanggu in this blog have been taken during the evening because the Chinese signs look so much better when they are illuminated. My time living in Guanggu has just begun but it feels like I have been here a lot longer! Hankou, Wuchang and Hanyang can take several seats because Guanggu gets the gold from me! Life is ace!
Give It Up For Guanggu!
Joseph Harrison