Grow Your Own #31daysoffun

By Maxwell1212 @MummyToTheMax
Day 2's #31daysoffun activity has taken us a few weeks to complete however we have had fun throughout the whole process and we are still having fun now. Day 2's activity shows us growing our own herbs so we are able to make tastier meals in the kitchen. Maxwell and I purchased our "grow your own box" on Amazon and at the time of buying it, it cost us just £5.99. You are able to purchase the same kit here
Upon opening the box, we found a wooden trough, 4 plastic plant pots, 4 sets of seeds and compost. The set was perfect for Maxwell to complete with a little help from me and his teddy. We immediately got to work and set about putting the plastic plant pots in the wooden trough. This ensured that the plastic plant pots stayed sturdy and did not move whilst we added the compost and seeds.
Maxwell went on to fill each plant pot halfway with compost and then carefully spread basil, parsley, chives and coriander seeds into each pot. Maxwell then filled the pots up to the top with compost. He carefully patted them down and gave them a quick water.

For 14 days Maxwell made sure that the herbs got enough light and water daily. We ensured that they sat near a window and Maxwell made it his job to water the herbs a hour before his bedtime every night. At first we were unsure if the basil was growing as the other seeds had started to sprout, however soon enough the basil started to grow.
After 2 weeks the herbs had grown to a long length and are ready for us to use. Maxwell and I are interested in buying some more "grow you own" goodies and we would love some ideas of what we can grow next!