GROW Week 19

By Ceriblog @ceriblog

I've tried to do my makeup quite Valentines Day themed (just my usual makeup with a red lip, no biggy).. I'm not all into color schemes when it comes to different holidays of the year (Easter, Christmas and all that).. So lippy is enough for me.I've noticed my hair is a lot longer than it was a few months back.. And I was convinced it didn't grow but it sure has!
At the moment, I've been given my two final project themes for Graphics and Photography - Combinations and Alliances. Who on earth comes up with these themes??
I'm also editing my everyday makeup video right now (which is what I'm wearing today)..
I haven't got a lot left to say really..
Went to see The Woman In Black last night and it was absolutely horrifically frighting. My boyfriend was holding onto me because he's a big wuss.. I kept saying "how is this a 12A!?" It should be a 15 or an 18!