Group Sharing in the Spirit of Synthesis

By Luphil

At Spring Equinox, from 21st to 23rd of March, a group of 26 group members of WTT from Denmmark, France, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland gathered at the seminar center “Lichtblick” (Bright Spot) in Hude near Bremen, North Germany for the 5th “CVV Sharing” in the spirit of Synthesis. The motto given by Sri Kumar for this meeting was:

May power be balanced thru sharing.
May ignorance be balanced thru wisdom.
May the West be balanced by the East.
May Peace prevail over prosperity.”

The energy of synthesis was very much present while the program with group activities and contributions by various members unfolded: Meditations, exchanges in the plenary and in small groups about topics such as a selection of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and their relevance for one’s life, Greek mythology and astrology, “Dealing with crises”, “How can the group experience of synthesis be brought into the individual groups and lives?”, sharing how the individuals found into their spiritual paths. There were group exercises of Qi Gong, Mantra chanting, visualisations from Master EKs “Spiritual Astrology” or of the energies of the double pyramid. For one of the visualisation exercises a beautiful music was used, “Internal Flight” by the Russian guitar player Estas Tonne.

Saturday evening a water ritual was conducted and Sunday at noon the Diamond Network meditation. When we opened our eyes after the Saturday evening prayer, there was outside a great double arc rainbow in glowing colours over the nearby forest – the externalisation of the rainbow bridge to the higher circles.

The seminar place was at a very beautiful place surrounded by meadows and forests. The team of the house gave us a very warm welcome and served a delicious food in a very dedicated manner. Talks and exchanges about future forms of cooperation strengthened the bonds of the hearts, and when we left again all felt deeply enriched by this beautiful experience of group sharing in the spirit synthesis, the CVV energy.