Group Living in Iguazu, Visits to the Falls

By Luphil

Arriving in Iguazu on 4th September in the later afternoon the bus left the main road and entered into a small unpaved road winding through the rainforest. After some kilometres it stopped in front of the entrance building of the main building of the Village Cataratas Hotel – an impressive site all surrounded by forest. A number of smaller houses were built into the forest and connected with little wooden bridges. Other group members from North America, the Caribbean, Venezuela and Brazil as well as from various Argentinian groups dropped in. Since the seminar was about to start on 6th September the meeting hall was not yet set up. So we met outside the beautiful dining hall building for evening meditation while the sun set with intense colours.

Next morning a bus and various cars brought us to the Argentinian side of the famous Iguazu Falls. Sri Kumar and Kumari Garu also joined the tour. It was a radiant blue sky and lots of tourists were pouring into the national park. We got into a small train which brought us to the upper part of the falls, the Garganta del Diablo, the Devil’s Throat. Sri Kumar said that we should think of them as Angels’ Throat, where there is a center of a very sublime energy. The whole area is an Ashram of Synthesis related to a divine seer called Brahmanaspati and there is also located a 7th ray ashram of Count Saint Germain. We arrived at 12 o’clock at the Angels’ Throat and, surrounded by the rising mist of the falling waters we intonated 21 times OM. In the presence of these strong vibrations of the thundering falls we all were in a blissful enrapture. Again and again the wind blew blessings of water clouds over the group. On the way there were plenty of butterflies and also other animals.

We afterwards went to the Superior Trail, where bridges lead us close to the top of other parts of the falls with splendorous views to the St. Martin’s Island near which the center of the Ashram is located in the etheric realm. We wanted to take a boat to the island but the water was too high so that the boats could not land. But the sun created rainbows all over the falls.

While most of the group members relaxed at a restaurant, I went with some friends to the Lower Trail to see further views of the falls. It was a most impressive experience.

Next day the group living started. The members from Posadas had prepared a sublime altar with a huge picture of Hanuman, the great cosmic Master who arrived on the planet 18 million years ago. He is a Vanara, a being which can change his form at will and mostly stays in a monkey-like form. Sri Kumar started his talk saying that he was very much surprised about this picture and he never had seen such a beautiful presentation even in India, and so in the course of the seminar he also spoke about Hanuman and his work. A short extract from my notes, from the opening words of the seminar:

“Iguazu means Ikshvaku; Ikshvaku is the first solar king on the planet. Much solar energy prevails here. May we find our original entity as solar beings.

From the Solar God to the solar king there was a transmission of synthesis. It is also called yoga. The Solar God received initiation from Manu Vaivasvata. Manu Vaivasvata himself received the yoga of synthesis from higher circles. From the higher circles to Manu Vaivasvata, from Manu Vaivasvata to the Sun God, from the Sun God to the solar king on earth there has been the initial transmission of the yoga of synthesis. That is what Lord Krishna said in Bhagavad Gita. He said, I initiated the Sun God. The name of the Sun God is Vivasvata. The son of the Solar God Vivasvata is Vaivasvata. The Sun God is called Vivasvata. His son is called Vaivasvata. The sun’s light is said to be the Son of God. The Sun God has a son. The name of the Sun is Vivasvata. His son is Manu who is called Vaivasvata.

What is Vaivasvata? – the light of the sun. It is received by our Earth. Between the Earth and the Sun there is a field of light, it is called Manu Vaivasvata. This Vaivasvata, the Manu, and his son are on the earth, he is called Ikshvaku. He is the first solar king on the planet. The waterfall here is in relation to the sound Ikshvaku – Iguazu. This is a center of synthesis. Lord Krishna gives a hierarchy of the yoga of Synthesis. When Krishna speaks I AM, this initiated the Sun God. The Sun God initiated Manu; Manu initiated the solar king. The solar king tries to initiate the beings on Earth.”

The three days of the seminar went quickly by, filled with meditations, inspiring lectures and exchanges with the many group members present. On Sunday there was a fire ritual followed by the blessing and name-giving ceremony for children.

In the night of the second day suddenly a hailstorm with torrential rains broke out. Next morning we saw that the hailstones big like eggs had demolished a number of car windows and caused other devastations. Sri Kumar explained that this release of energy was an expression of a cleansing of conflict energies.

On the 9th, the day after the seminar, the members who still remained there, went together with Sri Kumar and Kumari-Garu to the Brazilian side of the waterfalls. On the way we stopped at a shop where they sold crystals and jewels: Huge amethysts and rock crystals, all kind of crystal sculptures and a number of handicraft works. Radiant jewels in all rainbow colours attracted the people most. While some could carry with them a few of the treasures of the earth I enjoyed taking photos.

From the Brazilian side of the fall we had again a gorgeous view of the falls. And after some days of clouds the sun was again back with rainbows over the falls. We stood at the Angels’ Throat and again sung 21 OM in the roaring sound of waters.

Afterwards Sri Kumar and some of the group members did a short helicopter flight over the falls while the other members went to a Birds’ Park with colourful tropic birds – all kinds of parrots, flamingos, toucans and also some huge serpents and a crocodile. The battery of my camera, however, had stopped and so I took the impressions with the camera of the heart.

Most of the European members had relocated after the seminar to a cheaper hotel. Thursday early morning a small bus brought us back to the seminar hotel for a final meditation with the Master. We all felt full of gratitude for this splendorous tour full of inner and outer highlights and a plethora of profound teachings. Thursday afternoon Sri Kumar and his wife left towards Rio and India, while we had again 2-3 more days.