Last Updated on 27 January, 2022
Grounded PC Cheats and Console Commands – All the Console commands and ids, and how to use cheats in Grounded
Other Grounded Guides: Crafting Recipes, keyboard controls
Grounded PC Cheats and Console Commands – How to Use Cheats?
Download and install Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker
To open the console press the ~ key on your keyboard located just below the ESC key
Grounded PC Cheats and Console Commands – Console Commands
- unlockallperks – Unlocks all character perks
- UnlockAllTechTrees – Unlocks all Tech Trees
- god – God Mode, no damage
- timespeed X – Replace X with a number up to 10, the higher, the faster the game will go
- teleport – based on the crosshair
- pause – Pauses the game. Repeat the command to un-pause.
- kill – Suicide and respawn
- DamageTarget X – Replace X with a number, the damage you want it to do to the target you have marked with the crosshair
- ResearchAllItems – Instantly completes all required research tasks
UnlockAllRecipes – Instantly unlocks all crafting recipes. - RepairAllItems – Instantly repairs all of the items you have in your inventory.
- FullRestore – Completely fills up your stamina, thirst, hunger, and health.
- AddScience X – Replace X with a number, the amount of Science progress you want
- AddWater X – Replace X with 100 to fill to the maximum your water and thirst meter
- AddFood X – Replace X with 100 to fill to the maximum your food and hunger meter
- BuildAllBuildings – Instantly complete construction of any placed blueprint items.
- SetCurrentFood X – Replace X with 100 to fill to the maximum your current food
- SetCurrentWater X – Replace X with 100 to fill to the maximum your current water
- SetCurrentBreath X – Replace X with 100 to fill to the maximum your current breath
- InfiniteDamage – One hit kill cheat
- summon BP ID – Replace ID with the ID of your choice. For example _Ant_Soldier_C if you want to spawn an ant soldier, but check all the Ids in the next section
Grounded PC Cheats and Console Commands – Ids
Bugs, Animals, NPCs
- _Mite_C
- _Grub_C
- _Mite_CableChewer_C
- _Ant_C
- _Ant_Soldier_C
- _Ant_HillWorker_C
- _Larva_C
- _Aphid_C
- _Spider_Small_C
- _Spider_Boss_C
- _Spider_Wolf_C
- _Spider_Web_C
- _BombardierBeetle_C
- _Weevil_Evil_C
- _Ladybug_C
- _Weevil_C
- _StinkBug_C
- _Spiderling_C
- _Mosquito_C
- _Gnat_C
- _Bee_C
- _Wasp_C
- _KoiFish_C
- _DivingBellSpider_C
- _Tadpole_C
- _WaterBoatman_C
- _SurvivalPlayerCharacter_Male02_C – Pete
- _SurvivalPlayerCharacter_Female02_C – Hoops
- _SurvivalPlayerCharacter_Female_C – Willow
- _SurvivalPlayerCharacter_C – ???
- _SurvivalPlayerCharacter_Gellarde_C
- _SurvivalPlayerCharacter_MrBones_C
- _Weed_Dandelion_A_C
- _Weed_Dandelion_B_C
- _Weed_Dandelion_C_C
- _Weed_Dandelion_D_C
- _Sprout_A_C
- _Sprout_B_C
- _Sprout_C_C
- _SmallPlantA_C (Plant Fiber)
- _Plant_Small_Leafy_A_C (Plant Fiber)
- _Plant_Small_Leafy_B_C (Plant Fiber)
- _Plant_Small_Leafy_A_Dry_C (Dry Grass Chunk)
- _Plant_Small_Leafy_B_Dry_C (Dry Grass Chunk)
- _Clover_A_C
- _Clover_B_C
- _Clover_Flower_C
- _HedgeBerryA_C
- _Hedge_Berry_A_C
- _Hedge_Berry_B_C
- _Hedge_Berry_C_C
- _Eelgrass_D_C
- _Eelgrass_C_C
- _Eelgrass_B_C
- _Eelgrass_A_C
- _Spiderweb_Hanging_Sleeping_C
- _Spiderweb_Hanging_B_Sleeping_C
- _Spiderweb_Hanging_C_Sleeping_C
- _Rock_Sandstone_A_C
- _Rock_Quartzite_A_C
- _Rock_Limestone_A_C
- _Rock_Clay_C
- _GrassBlade_A_C
- _GrassBlade_B_C
- _GrassBlade_C_C
- _GrassBlade_D_C
- _GrassBlade_E_C
- _GrassBlade_F_C
- _GrassBlade_G_C
- _GrassBladeDry_D_C
- _GrassBladeDry_E_C
- _GrassBladeDry_F_C
- _GrassBlade_Dead_A_C
- _GrassBlade_Dead_B_C
- _GrassBlade_Dead_C_C
- _GrassBlade_Dead_D_C
- _Hosta_A_C
- _Hosta_Flower_B_C
- _Daffodil_Blue_C
- _Hosta_Flower_A_C
- _Hosta_Leaf_C
- _RoseBush_A_C
- _World_GrassPlank_C
- _World_Log_C
- _World_Rope_C
- _World_Fiber_C
- _World_Fiber_Dry_C
- _World_Sap_C
- _Sap_Nodule_A_C
- _World_Stone_Pebble_C
- _World_Nectar_C
- _World_Sprig_C
- _World_Hardened_Sprig_C
- _World_Clay_C
- _World_CloverTop_C
- _World_Leaf_Blower_C
- _World_Quartzite_C
- _World_Slimemold_C
- _World_Rubber_C
- _World_Resin_C
- _World_Pollen_C
- _World_LilypadWax_C
- _World_Leaf_C
- _Acorn_C
- _World_Acorn_Top_C
- _World_Acorn_Shell_C
- _World_Acorn_Bits_C
- _World_Fabric_C
- _World_Acid_C
- _World_Web_C
- _World_Bone_C
- _World_Thorn_C
- _World_Thistle_Needle_C
- _World_Hedge_Berry_C
- _SlimeMold_Stalks_A_C
- _SlimeMold_Stalks_B_C
- _SlimeMold_Stalks_C_C
- _SlimeMold_Stalks_D_C
- _World_Petal_Red_C
- _World_Petal_Yellow_C
- _World_Petal_Hosta_C
- _World_EelgrassStrand_C
- _World_LilypadMembrane_C
- _World_CatTailPlantFluff_C
- _World_Gum_Steel_C
- _World_Dandelion_Puff_A_C
- _World_KoiFishScale_C
- _World_Fertilizer_C
- _World_Ant_Egg_C
- _Ant_Dead_C
- _Egg_Ant_C
- _World_TadPoleSlime_C
- _World_StriderLeg_C
- _World_LeechSac_C
- _World_DivingBellSpiderSilk_C
- _World_Slimemold_Stalk_C
- _World_Bait_C
- _World_WaterBoatmanFin_C
- _Web_Pooped_C
- _World_Weevil_Part_C
- _World_Weevil_Nose_C
- _World_Weevil_Evil_Gland_C
- _World_WaterFlea_Chunk_C
- _World_Stinkbug_Plate_C
- _World_Stinkbug_Gas_Sack_C
- _World_Stinkbug_Feelers_C
- _World_Spider_Venom_C
- _World_Spider_Fang_C
- _World_Spider_Chunk_C
- _World_Mosquito_Sack_C
- _World_Mosquito_Beak_C
- _World_Fuzz_Mite_C
- _World_Larva_Spike_C
- _World_Ladybug_Wing_C
- _World_Ladybug_Shell_C
- _World_Ladybug_Head_C
- _World_Grub_Hide_C
- _World_Grub_Goop_C
- _World_Grub_Faceplate_C
- _World_Fuzz_Gnat_C
- _World_Firefly_Shell_C
- _World_Firefly_Glow_C
- _World_Explosive_Gland_C
- _World_BombardierBeetle_Leg_C
- _World_Bee_Stinger_C
- _World_Bee_Fuzz_C
- _World_Ant_Pheromone_C
- _World_Ant_Part_Rare_C
- _World_Ant_Part_C
- _World_Ant_Mandible_C
- _World_Ant_Head_C
- _World_Acid_Gland_C
- _World_Shield_Weevil_C
- _World_Rapier_Mosquito_C
- _World_CharCoal_Chunk_C
- _World_MushroomBrick_C F
- _Storage_C
- _Storage_Big_C
- _PlankStorage_C
- _LogStorage_C
- _WaterContainer_C
- _Feather_C
- _World_Arrow_Crow_C
- _World_Bandage_C
- _World_Axe_C
- _World_Axe_Tier2_C
- _World_Hammer_C
- _World_Hammer_Tier2_C
- _World_MintMallet_C
- _World_Torch_C
- _World_Torch+_C
- _World_Lantern_Firefly_C
- _World_Shovel_C
- _World_RepairTool_C
- _World_Canteen_C
- _World_Canteen+_C
- _World_Binoculars_C
- _World_StriderSkates_C
- _World_Rebreather_C
- _World_DivingLantern_C
- _World_DivingKnife_C
Repair Kits
- _World_Repairkit_Armor_Tier1_C
- _World_Repairkit_Armor_Tier2_C
- _World_Repairkit_Armor_Tier3_C
- _World_Fist_Berry_C
- _World_Fist_Ant_C
- _World_Armor_Flippers_C
- _World_Spider_Armor_Legs_C
- _World_Spider_Armor_Head_C
- _World_Spider_Armor_Chest_C
- _World_Mite_Head_C
- _World_Ladybug_Armor_Legs_C
- _World_Ladybug_Armor_Head_C
- _World_Ladybug_Armor_Chest_C
- _World_Grub_Armor_Legs_C
- _World_Grub_Armor_Head_C
- _World_Grub_Armor_Chest_C
- _World_GasMask_Head_C
- _World_Firefly_Head_C
- _World_Eyepatch_C
- _World_Eyepatch+_C
- _World_Clover_Armor_Legs_C
- _World_Clover_Armor_Head_C
- _World_Clover_Armor_Chest_C
- _World_Breathe_Mask_C
- _World_Bee_Armor_Legs_C
- _World_Bee_Armor_Head_C
- _World_Bee_Armor_Chest_C
- _World_Aphid_Armor_Legs_C
- _World_Ant_Armor_Legs_C
- _World_Ant_Armor_Head_C
- _World_Ant_Armor_Chest_C
- _World_Acorn_Armor_Legs_C
- _World_Acorn_Armor_Head_C
- _World_Acorn_Armor_Chest_C
- _World_Koi_Armor_Legs_C
- _World_Koi_Armor_Head_C
- _World_Koi_Armor_Chest_C
- _World_Bee_Armor_Legs_Rotten_C
- _World_Bee_Armor_Head_Rotten_C
- _World_Bee_Armor_Chest_Rotten_C
- _World_CrossBow_Crow_C
- _World_Bow_C
- _World_Bow_Tier2_C
- _World_Arrow_C
- _World_Arrow_Lure_C
- _World_Arrow_Poison_C
- _World_HarpoonGun_C
- _World_TacticalHarpoonGun_C
- _World_HarpoonBolt_C
- _World_HarpoonBoltBone_C
- _World_HarpoonBoltPoison_C
- _World_LarvaSword_C
- _World_LarvaSword_Rotten_C
- _World_Ant_Club_C
- _World_Ant_Club_Rotten_C
- _World_SpikySprig_C
- _World_Dagger_Spider_C
- _World_DivingKnife_C
- _World_GumSword_C
- _World_Bomb_C
- _World_Bomb_Sticky_C
- _World_Spear_C
- _World_Spear_Tier2_C
- _World_Bone_Trident_C
- _World_Bone_Diving_Knife_C
- _World_Bomb_blood_C
- _TechChipWeed_C
- _TechChipOakTree_C
- _TechChipMint_C
- _TechChipHedge_C
- _TechChipFlowerbed_C
- _TechChipAntHill_C
- _TechChipPond_C
- _ScienceBits_C
- _RawScience_B_C
- _TazT_C
- _Burgle_C
- _ColorCollectible_C
- _TechChipPaint_C
- _Trap_Tripwire_Bomb_C
- _Trap_Lure_C
- _Trap_Barricade_Spiked_C
- _Trap_Turret_Bushcraft_Buildable_C
- _Trap_Plasma_Orb_C
- _Trap_Pebble_Chute_C
- _Trap_Lure_C
- _Trap_FLoor_Stick_C
- _Trap_Floor_Slide_C
- _Trap_Barricade_Spiked_C
- _Trap_Aphid_C
- _World_Droplet_Water_C
- _World_Droplet_Soda_Cola_C
- _World_Droplet_LemonJuice_C
- _World_HoneyDew_C
- _World_Honey_C
- _World_Nectar_C
- _World_Granola_Bar_C
- _World_Food_Apple_C
- _World_Mushroom_C
- _World_Mushroom_Grown_C
- _Mushroom_Garden_C
- _World_Cooked_Tadpole_Meat_C
- _World_Food_Mint_C
- _World_Food_Hot_Dog_C
- _World_Food_Cookie_Sandwich_C
- _World_Cooked_Weevil_Meat_C
- _World_Cooked_Grub_Meat_C
- _World_Cooked_Gnat_Meat_C
- _World_Cooked_Aphid_Meat_C
- _Cooking_Cooked_Aphid_Meat_C
- _World_Dried_Weevil_Meat_C
- _World_Dried_Grub_Meat_C
- _World_Dried_Gnat_Meat_C
- _World_Dried_Aphid_Meat_C
- _World_Tadpole_Meat_C
- _World_WaterBoat_Fin_Soup_C
- _World_Food_Cricket_C
- _World_Weevil_Meat_C
- _World_Grub_Meat_C
- _World_Gnat_Meat_C
- _World_Aphid_Meat_C
- _World_Aphid_Meat_C
- _World_Spoiled_Meat_C
- _World_Plantslurry_C
- _World_Mushroomslurry_C
- _World_Smoothie_WaterBreathing_C
- _World_Smoothie_GastroGoo_C
- _World_Smoothie_FuzzOnTheRocks_C
- _World_Smoothie_Fiber_C
- _World_Smoothie_Default_C
- _World_Smoothie_Berry_C
- _World_Smoothie_Attack_C
- _World_Smoothie_Aphid_C
- _World_Smoothie_HumanFood_C
- _World_Smoothie_HumanFood+_C
- _World_Smoothie_Fiber+_C
- _World_Smoothie_Attack+_C
- _World_Smoothie_SwimSpeed+_C
- _World_Smoothie_WaterBreathing+_C
- _World_Smoothie_GastroGoo+_C
- _World_Smoothie_FuzzOnTheRocks+_C
- _World_Smoothie_Default+_C
- _World_Smoothie_Berry+_C
- _World_Smoothie_Aphid+_C
- _World_Smoothie_Ant_C
- _World_Smoothie_Ant+_C
- _World_Smoothie_Ant_C
- _World_Smoothie_Ant+_C
- _World_Smoothie_Aphid+_C
- _World_Smoothie_Berry+_C
- _World_Smoothie_Default+_C
- _World_Smoothie_FuzzOnTheRocks+_C
- _World_Smoothie_GastroGoo+_C
- _World_Smoothie_WaterBreathing+_C
- _World_Smoothie_SwimSpeed+_C
- _World_Smoothie_Attack+_C
- _World_Smoothie_Fiber+_C
Audio Logs, Tech Chips, & Story Items
- _AudioLog_WendellA01_C
- _AudioLog_WendellA02_C
- _AudioLog_WendellA03_C
- _AudioLog_WendellA04_C
- _AudioLog_WendellA05_C
- _AudioLog_WendellA06_C
- _AudioLog_OminentA01_C
- _AudioLog_OminentA02_C
- summonBP_AudioLog_OminentA03_C
- _AudioLog_OminentA04_C
- _AudioLog_OminentA05_C
- _AudioLog_OminentA06_C
- _AudioLog_WendellB01_C
- _AudioLog_WendellB02_C
- _AudioLog_WendellB03_C
- _AudioLog_WendellB04_C
- _AudioLog_WendellB05_C
- _AudioLog_WendellB06_C
- _AudioLog_WendellB07_C
- _AudioLog_BurgleA01_C
- _AudioLog_BurgleA02_C
- _AudioLog_BurgleA03_C
- _AudioLog_BurgleA04_C
- _AudioLog_BurgleA05_C
- _AudioLog_BurgleA06_C
- _AudioLog_BurgleA07_C
- _AudioLog_BurgleA08_C
- _AudioLog_BurgleA09_C
- _Audio_Log_World_AntTotem_C
- _Audio_Log_World_Cave_C
- _Audio_Log_Base_C
- _Note_Spy_Hedge_C
- _Note_Spy_Haze_C