Grooms — Are You Gentlemen Or Do You Need to Pull Your Socks Up?

By Claire

Here’s Mark with some shock­ing news:

UK Men Have For­got­ten How To Act Like Gentlemen

UK men have for­got­ten how to be gen­tle­men, as stud­ies show that over­whelm­ing num­bers of men do not abide by even the very basic stan­dards of etiquette.

Unfor­tu­nately, in today’s soci­ety one only needs to get on a crowded train to wit­ness the fact that there are very few true gen­tle­men remain­ing. Recent stud­ies have shown that only 4% of men would be will­ing to give up their seat for a preg­nant lady or elderly person.

The way of gen­tle­men is becom­ing lost in today’s mod­ern hec­tic world and gen­tle­manly ways are in seri­ous dan­ger of been for­got­ten at a time when they are needed most.

A recent study by, the black sock sub­scrip­tion ser­vice for dis­cern­ing gen­tle­men, high­lighted the dis­tant lack of man­ners in today’s society.

  • 46% of men admit­ted to spit­ting in public
  • Only 40% of men held doors open for ladies on a reg­u­lar basis
  • Only a shame­ful 4% of gen­tle­men claimed that they never swore in public Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Mark Hall com­mented “It’s shame­ful that as a soci­ety we have let our stan­dards slip. Vis­i­tors from over­seas asso­ciate Great Britain as a place filled with dis­cern­ing gents with impec­ca­ble man­ners, but unfor­tu­nately noth­ing could be fur­ther from the truth.

We need to reed­u­cate the men of Great Britain in how to act like gen­tle­men, and restore our reputation.”

As well as ensur­ing that cus­tomers never have the mis­for­tune of wear­ing odd socks through a monthly sock sub­scrip­tion, aims to teach men eti­quette via web­site tips that are guar­an­teed to turn any man into a gen­tle­man. Just ask James Bond – all the fair ladies like a well-dressed, well-mannered gent.’s five basic tips on how to be a gentleman

1. Look after your appearance

A gen­tle­man would never wear odd socks; you should always take pride in your appear­ance when you go out in the world because that is a show of respect to the other peo­ple around you.

2. To curse is to be rude

Swear­ing, as your mother will tell, you is a “no” in all cir­cum­stances. By curs­ing you are merely show­ing that you have a dis­tinct lack of vocab­u­lary and an inabil­ity to express your thoughts appro­pri­ately. Fur­ther­more , oth­ers will only remem­ber you for your crude­ness and vulgarity.

3. Let oth­ers speak

Always be cour­te­ous and let oth­ers fin­ish what they are say­ing before adding your com­ments. To break this rule is a sign of poor social skills and a dis­tinct lack of eti­quette to both the per­son talk­ing and to those that are lis­ten­ing. If, how­ever, you want to be seen as rude and ego­tis­ti­cal you may do so by inter­rupt­ing others.

4. Do not spit

This should go with­out say­ing. How­ever, our study shows that 46% of men do this sub­con­sciously. Spit­ting is hor­rid habit and to wit­ness it only leads to instant dis­gust. Do not spit in pub­lic under any cir­cum­stances unless you want to look like you were raised in a sewer.

5. There is no need to shout

When a per­son speaks loudly or shouts, it does noth­ing but to raise the stress lev­els among your cur­rent com­pany and of those who are in close vicin­ity. It implies that you are rude, show no con­sid­er­a­tion to oth­ers around you and that you can­not rea­son with oth­ers, so you rely instead on brute force in order to get your point across. This will only draw neg­a­tive atten­tion towards you.

There are still some notable gen­tle­men remain­ing who have taken notice of this good advice. Richard Reed from the inno­cent drinks com­pany remarked on his Twit­ter account recently: “I would just like to apol­o­gise for swear­ing on national tele­vi­sion, my mom is going to kill me.”

* * *

  • is the monthly black sock sub­scrip­tion ser­vice for dis­cern­ing gentlemen.
  • Sirs (or their part­ners) can order in any color they like as long as it is black.
  • With a black sock sub­scrip­tion you will never have odd socks again.
  • Black socks look great in win­ter, spring, sum­mer and autumn.
  • Good man­ners cost noth­ing, socks start at £1.97 a pair includ­ing delivery.
  • Prince William wore black socks on his wed­ding day.
  • Putting on a fresh new pair of socks is a much-loved expe­ri­ence that is men­tioned over 10,000 times a week on Twitter.
  • Miss­ing socks cost the aver­age house­hold £137 per year.
  • Socked are work­ing on the world’s largest sur­vey to find out what hap­pens to miss­ing socks.
  • One of the main causes of Christ­mas day argu­ments is when the fes­tive sock wearer presses the ‘Jin­gle Bells’ but­ton on his Christ­mas socks for the 85th time. With the Fes­tive Sea­son on its way: SAY NO TO BAD CHRISTMAS SOCKS

Socked Ltd is a UK com­pany based in Leeds that launched in August 2012. They aim to rid the world of odd socks and teach man­ners.