Grimes & Rowe Watch a Movie: Premium Rush

Posted on the 29 August 2012 by Storycarnivores @storycarnivores

Title: Premium Rush
Directed by: David Koepp
Distributed by: Columbia
Release Date: August 24, 2012
Rated: PG-13

Synopsis: In Manhattan, a bike messenger picks up an envelope that attracts the interest of a dirty cop, who pursues the cyclist throughout the city. (Via IMDB)

Brian: Premium Rush is this year’s Speed, a thrilling non-stop action romp that reminded me of the fun mid-budgeted late summer movies of the 1990′s. There are some modern touches, like the high-tech flashes that show the main character’s route from point A to point B, but for the most part, this is a high-spirited old-fashioned chase movie, with a weirdly wacky villain (the always reliable Michael Shannon) and the handsome, likable, forever charismatic Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who is that rare actors who pumps out one movie after another… and they’re all actually good movies. Aside from a few well-timed flashbacks, the movie is just go-go-go, and it rarely lets up. The action scenes are all shot extremely well, out on the streets of New York City, and most of the shots of the protagonist – the biker Wilee – really does look like it’s Levitt speeding along those dangerous roads. Will this movie win any Oscars? No. But is it is a great time at the movies? Sure thing!

Shaunta:  This was such a fun movie. I loved how much we laughed during it. I didn’t expect that. Lots of times, a movie is either funny or action-packed. This managed to be tense and funny at the same time, which I really appreciated. The art behind the bike riding was fascinating to me. I can’t imagine how much work the actors must have done to prepare to film the parts that clearly didn’t use a stunt double. I loved the look into the NYC-bike-messenger culture. And, we all know how much I love a movie or a book with a strong setting. If a movie can take me to New York City, one of my favorite places on Earth, for a couple hours, then it has me hooked, and this one did that beautifully. Sure, no Oscars. But who cares? This movie was fun and exciting. It didn’t ever bog down. I really enjoyed it.

Brian: I’ve come to learn that Michael Shannon is a gem of an actor, and any director smart enough to know to use him (and exactly how to use him) will benefit greatly from his presence. He was amazing in the creepy William Friedkin film Bug, scarily honest in his Oscar-nominated turn in Revolutionary Road, and borderline terrifying in his virtuoso performance in Take Shelter, one of my five favorite films of 2011. He has a more one dimension part in Premium Rush, but he makes so much out of it, and he in many ways reminds me of a young Christopher Walken, only a bit zanier. Shannon, and Levitt of course, have become my two favorite actors of late, so it was a treat to watch them go toe-to-toe in this smart action thriller.

Check out Premium Rush. You won’t be disappointed! And while I’m at it, let me give another shout-out to Take Shelter, available on DVD and Blu-Ray. Michael Shannon rocks!