~grilled Salmon & Couscous~

By Ally @allykitchen

There’s nothing not to love about this dish!  It’s healthy. It’s easy. It’s eatable for a couple of days. It’s beautiful to look at.  It’s full of flavor. It’s easy~~did I already say that?

Oh, heck, we all know the virtues of salmon, and couscous, well, those teeeennnnyyyy pearls of luv are just perfect for this dish because they’re not overwhelming, they add a tad of depth, and the absorb the flavors of all that’s going on in the dish.

Serves: 2-3
What you need:
1 Tbl. Thai Spice Blend  (or if you prefer another blend, have at it)
½ tsp. sea salt
1 lb. salmon (skin on bottom)
Cooking spray
2 Tbl. canola oil
¼ cup Italian dressing (divided)
1 cup uncooked couscous—prepared to package direction
¼ cup Italian flat parsley, roughly chopped
2 Tbl. fresh chopped dill

What you do:
Coat the top of the salmon with cooking spray. Score (about ¼” deep) in a crisscross pattern. Sprinkle on the Thai seasoning and salt and pat into the meat. Put the canola oil in a heavy well-seasoned cast iron skillet. Get hot over medium high heat. Put the salmon in seasoned side face down.

Cover with a lid. Cook about 3 minutes. Turn the salmon and cook another about 3 minutes. Remove to a plate, skin side down, and drizzle on half of the Italian dressing. Let the salmon cool about 20 minutes then remove the bottom skin and flake apart into chunks.

Prepare the couscous to package directions. When done, drizzle in the remaining Italian dressing and blend. Add the chunked salmon, parsley, dill and toss. Cover with a lid for about 15 minutes. Ready to serve warm or cold!

©alice d’antoni phillips www.allyskitchen.com

