
Posted on the 17 March 2014 by Metal Wind @MetalWind1

Hello guys! I bring you today a fantastic Modern Rock/Metal band from Russia called Grenouer which has released a new full-length album entitled “Blood On The Face” (2013).

Grenouer is a band from Saint Petersburg formed in 1992 which has been playing Extreme Metal music for years, but these guys decided go a step further on their path and they bring us now an awesome new album with a different sound very fresh and highly recommended.

“Blood on the Face” is the seventh album from Grenouer and it’s focused on a more clean signing and high profile melodies offering us an interesting and modern sound with a very good production.

They have signed with Mausoleum Records, the legendary label from Belgium and they has worked with outstanding producers like Finnish Anssi Kippo from Astia Studio Sound (Children Of Bodom, Norther, To/Die/For), and Italians Dualized and Eddy Cavazza, dysFUNCTION Productions (Mnemic, Voodoo Highway, Figure of Six). Dualized made superior mixing at Zeta Factory Studios and afterwards the material got mastered by famous Mika Jussila at Finnvox Studio.

As a result we can enjoy a fantastic new release which contains eleven awesome tracks highly recommended for all Modern Rock and Alternative Metal fans. Also we can enjoy a final bonus track, which is a Stone Temple Pilots cover from the song “All In The Suit That You Wear”.

We can find in the album great songs like “Blood On The Face” a powerful track with fantastic guitar riffs and nice melody, “Sands Of Silence” with a great surround and evocative sound or “Rejected” with a melody very cool. “The Taste Of Misery” is another awesome track with an impressive starting and a good guitar solo, and I also like “Midday Show”, I confess that I’m not an enthusiast of rap music, but the little rap part in this track is very cool.

“Last Stop” I think is another fantastic song in the album but I have to say that my favorite song is the number eight and it’s called “Brain Fever”, I think it’s fantastic. You can enjoy “Brain Fever” by clicking the following link.

GRENOUER – Brain Fever (VIDEO)
by MetalWind

Definively, Grenouer has released in my opinion a fantastic new album with a clean and powerful sound, these guys have been careful harmony and melody in each composition and I think the voices are impecable.

Ok guys, don’t miss Grenouer band and “Blood On The Face” album, enjoy and leave your comments!

I send greetings to Andrey, thanks for the collaboration and I also send greetings to Grenouer band! Great sound, guys!

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