Greentech News for the Week Ending 26 May 2013

Posted on the 28 May 2013 by Greentech

This weeks’ round up of greentech news from around the world…

Scientists from the Australian research institute the CSRIO have printed organic solar cells the size of an A3 sheet of paper.

Using a similar method to screen printing an image onto a T shirt the scientists were able to use semiconducting ink to print cells straight onto plastic or steel.  Dr Jones has ambitious plans for future uses of the paper thin cells “Eventually we see these being laminated to windows that line skyscrapers”

A 40GW hydropower project moved closer to reality as the World Bank offered to finance the deal. The Grand Inga development in the Democratic Republic of Congo would produce the equivalent power to 20 large nuclear power stations. Unlike the Three Gorges hyropower facility in China the Grand Inga project would have a minimal environmental consequences and would not require tens of thousands of people to be relocated.

The UK Green Investment Bank has committed a total of £635m to 11 renewable energy projects. The bank was set up by the government to help stimulate the renewable energy projects needed to meet the UK’s target of sourcing 15% of energy production from renewable sources by 2020. The total includes includes already-announced loans to companies such as Shanks Group Plc and Drax Group Plc.