Greentech News for the Week Ending 16 June 2013

Posted on the 21 June 2013 by Greentech

Our round-up of the week’s most exciting greentech news

Smartphone users in New York will be able to recharge their phones at solar powered charging stations thanks to AT&T and Goal Zero.

The project was launched following hurricane Sandy when many residents had difficulty keeping their phones charged. Each station will have multiple connectors to support a range of devices and a battery to enable charging after dark.

Chinese wind power provider Donghai Wind Power Co announced plans to commence the second phase of its Donghai Bridge wind farm near Shanghai at the end of the year. The $310m facility will produce 100MW using 28 turbines.

The Indonesian government allocated $302m to explore geothermal energy resources. Indonesia is belived to have potential geothermal generating capacity of 29,038 MW.

A 106 year old hydroelectric power station that has been closed since June 2012 is expected to partially reopened by the end of 2013.

The six turbines at Thomson Hydro Station flooded when over 10 inches of rain fell in the region.

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