Greens & Blues

By Cestlabellevie @cestlabelle_vie

a few sneaks of an afternoon photo adventure I took with my lovely friend Megan last week. I am no photographer, not by any means...I hardly know what I'm doing, in any way, from composition to camera settings to editing...but it is fun to capture moments in such beautiful peoples' lives now & then, isn't it? I often dream of a better camera, different lenses, Photoshop, more knowledge of the camera; but for now I just love the feel of my Nikon in my hands and the world dancing in front of my eyes. 
More coming later this week, I just love the washington-winter feel of this small set. 
what are your feelings on your photography skills? do you, like me, find it hard not to compare your photo quality with other bloggers? how do you find happiness in your capabilities?