Green Wedding Tips from Without A Hitch

By Claire

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Here’s a quickie to brighten up any eco-warrior-bride’s Sunday afternoon! Is your wedding helping to save the world? Here’s a quick check – Top Green Wedding Tips from Without A Hitch!

top tips for a green weddingWe at Without A Hitch love a great wedding, and we want you to have the day of your dreams.

We also want to help brides and grooms discover that it doesn’t have to cost the Earth, small things can make a big difference so check out our top five tips for making your big day more eco friendly – and you never know you might even save some money in the process……

Top Green Wedding Tips

  1. Use in season flowers for your decorations or alternatives such as fruit, herbs or sweets that can be used and eaten after the wedding.
  2. Have your ceremony and reception as close as possible to cut down on travel between locations, if it is unavoidable encourage car sharing or hire a coach/vintage vehicle so everyone can travel together.
  3. Wear a nearly new or once worn wedding gown. If you want vintage even better, pick up an authentic dress rather than a newly made imitation.
  4. Take a look at eco friendly wedding invitations and consider a wedding website to cut down on the amount of information inserts you need to issue to your guests.
  5. Charity gifts – if you already have a home set up consider setting up a gift-giving list so people can donate to a charity in your name.

With thanks to Victoria from Without A Hitch for the advice. Green Wedding tips from Without A Hitch

Are you having a green wedding? Tell us how you’re being all eco on your big day too!

Green heart photo credit Chris Hanley Photography