Green 1: Egret

By Travellingartist @devtramp

I chose this image of a lonesome egret to start a short series entitled, "Green".

My choice of the title is more in line with green as the main color and the overall theme of the photos in the series, but the images do convey subtle messages related to Mother Nature and environment. I took most, if not all, of the photos in the rural areas and remote villages of Southeast Asia.

In this photo, the bird chose a spot that looked perfect for the overall composition, especially the distribution of light, in the photo. Nothing wrong, really. Until you realize that egrets usually feed and roost in flocks of dozens, if not hundreds. And then you wonder where the rest of the flock is....

And then the egret, as if casting an ominous spell, seems to suddenly exude a deeper and darker emotion - a foreboding sense of that time when all great and precious things are indeed lonely. (JP)