Grecian Chic — Floaty Light Wedding Dresses from Victoria Kyriakides

By Claire

Good morn­ing every­one! I hope you’ve had a beau­ti­ful, won­der­ful and roman­tic week­end. Today I have some wed­ding dress ideas for you — these stun­ning dresses arrived via email over the week­end and I am smit­ten! As many of you know (if you fol­low Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog on face­book) I’m now based in the beau­ti­ful Eng­lish Lake Dis­trict. Which is a won­der­ful thing — or it will be when I get my broad­band! — but it’s too far for me to travel to the big bridal shows and events in That Lon­don. I missed the White Gallery show which oth­ers adored — but I’m very pleased that this lit­tle bit of it is now grac­ing my wed­ding blog. I’ll hand over to Vic­to­ria Kyr­i­akides to tell you more about her collection!

Wed­ding dresses by Vic­to­ria Kyriakides

Wed­ding dress col­lec­tion for 2013: Vic­to­ria Kyriakides

Vic­to­ria Kyr­i­akides is expand­ing her labels’ inter­na­tional hori­zons start­ing from the Lon­don mar­ket. The designer was cho­sen to par­tic­i­pate in London’s most high end bridal cat­walk show, White Gallery this May 2012(20-22nd), show­cas­ing her Gre­cian chic 2013 collection.

Using her trade­mark min­i­mal geo­met­ric Gre­cian aes­thet­ics, she man­aged to make a dif­fer­ence and steal the lime­light by becom­ing a press favorite of the inter­na­tional design­ers cat­e­gory. Fash­ion Edi­tors from Vogue, Martha Stew­art ?agazine, Brides UK Mag­a­zine, You & your Wed­ding Mag­a­zine, Per­fect Wed­ding, White Mag­a­zine Milan, Elle Lon­don, Conde Nast Pub­li­ca­tions and more came to see the collection.

The designer dares to bring down the stereo­type puffy meringue style bride, by redefin­ing organza while sculpt­ing the fab­rics onto the body, form­ing the shapes in such a way to com­ple­ment the body and fol­low every motion. Dynamic style and fem­i­nin­ity join hand­made French Chan­tilly lace and unique Macramé designs, into inspi­ra­tional cre­ations adorn­ing silk in its every version.

Greek haute cou­ture man­aged to stand out thanks to a sub­ver­sive bridal cat­walk show. The whole con­cept became com­plete with the amaz­ing head­pieces inspired by the designer and brought to life by artist/hat-maker Malena Maxla — while the jew­elry was cre­ated by Naya Ferentinoy.

Wed­ding dresses by Vic­to­ria Kyriakides

Vic­to­ria Kyr­i­akides Press Comments:

Brides Pub­lisher, Camilla New­man, par­tic­u­larly loved Greek designer Vic­to­ria Kyr­i­akides’ col­lec­tion: ‘Asym­met­ric cuts, pleats and fluid shapes make this col­lec­tion beau­ti­fully fash­ion for­ward’.” (Brides Magazine)

Vic­to­ria Kyr­i­akides – Won­der­ful use of fab­rics whether lay­ered or pleated, a very beau­ti­ful and sexy col­lec­tion“, says Bran­wen Llewellyn of

Vic­to­ria Kyr­i­akides showed a com­pre­hen­sive under­stand­ing of clever pat­tern cut­ting with layer upon layer of origami style shapes, pleats and ruf­fles cre­at­ing a very future for­ward col­lec­tion fur­ther enhanced by paper origami glad­i­a­tor inspired head­dresses. (Bride chic blog)

Vic­to­ria Kyr­i­akides sug­gest airy and unique cre­ations inspired by the ’70?s”, says the fash­ion edi­tor of

I was addicted to her futur­is­tic style by asym­met­ric cuts, lay­ers, pleats, fluid shapes.” (bridein­dream blog)

Some tweeted about the Futur­is­tic Gre­cian col­lec­tion on the spot:

Brides Mag­a­zine ?@Bridesmagazine Laid-back floaty gowns from @Vict_Kyriakides per­fect for a roman­tic beach wed­ding. Origami-like pleats at – very fash­ion for­ward!” tweets Brides UK Magazine.

Wow-Amazing”, tweets one of the most well known UK bridal blogs Love­My­Dress­Blog while post­ing a tweet-pic.

Vic­to­ria Kyr­i­akides Links: (blog)