GREAT ELECTRIC QUEST - “Live At Freak Valley” - (Ripple, 2020, San Diego, CA) -

Posted on the 29 August 2022 by Ripplemusic

I'm going to be completely honest with you. Don't you hate when people say that?! It's like, what, everything they said before that was a lie?What the hell. But seriously, I'm telling you the damn truth when I say that over the last month, I've listened to this CD more than any other one in my collection. For real. And I have no idea why, but for some reason, I was utterly unfamiliar with this San Diego band until Todd Severin sent me their 2020 disc, "Live At Freak Valley."

Here's what happened:Todd sent me a big package of CD's to review some time back. I listened and reviewed some. They were great, of course, because they're on Ripple. This one was toward the bottom of the pile. It was a band I had zero familiarity with and it was a live album. And I'm like, ok, live albums don't always sound great and I don't even know these guys' material, so this can wait. I finally listened and boy, oh fucking boy! I had my ass kicked in some kind of way.

Now you have to remember that I never heard GREAT ELECTRIC QUEST before. So, even though this is a live album after 2 full-length studio discs, for me this is all new stuff by a brand new band. And let me tell you, it's a fucking banger! This quartet has a real dose of first-album era RUSH. Then, remember that unknown band you wandered in on in a backwoods bar on a Wednesday night in 1977? Never found out their name but they were bringing it like the heaviest truck u ever saw? Throw that in. Now add a guitar player who has the most bad-assed tone I've ever heard. And he's the only guitarist so when he solos, it's WIDE, THICK SWATHS OF ALL FUCKING LEAD GUITAR, ALL THE TIME!!! I saw someone say they wish there was a rhythm guitar during the solos. NO!!! This kinda shit, a guy ripping on loud raw lead with only the bass & drums in the back...THIS IS THE BUSINESS!!! Super cool vocalist, rumbling bass and a drummer I'm beating up my steering wheel to play along with.

And the hits just keep coming! The songs are the kind that are quirky and great. They win the Jamie Quirk Award!!! Tracks like "Seeker Of The Flame" & the gorgeous "Heart Of The Son" have a mega-cool, slightly off-the-wall sci-fi feel that's endearing as they are hook-laden. Freaking-valley, beyond fantastic is the decidedly scientific 3-part epic "Of Earth." Seriously quirky, in that the first section (3rd track on the album) contains a drum solo & a solo guitar section, I LOVE IT! Bring on the 70's and slam it into your modern ass!!!

And speaking of the 70's, there are 3 brilliantly-chosen covers here that super-heat that badass back room bar feel and launch it exponentially. An abbreviated look at FLOYD's "In The Flesh?" gets things started. We also get slamming, marauding takes on "Victim Of Changes" & "Highway Star." Holy shit, the guitar playing & tone in these! I don't mean to minimize the work of Tyler Dingvell, Jared Bliss & Daniel Velasco. But Buddy Donner, damn son, this guy is like my new favorite guitarist. This is exactly how I want to hear a guitar player in a heavy band play and sound. It's massive.

Anyway, this whole damn thing, "Live At Freak Valley," is massive. If you're a fan of the band from before, you're gonna want to hear them represent live here. And if you're like me and somehow was living under a rock the last several years, you're going to have a new fave band to add to your list. Then go sell your soul for their other albums. THIS RULES, and I'm being honest!!!


Tyler "T-Sweat" Dingvell - vocals

Buddy Donner - guitar

Jared Bliss - bass

Daniel "MuchoDrums" Velasco - drums

-Ray Dorsey