Great Aunty Three, Enmore

By Foodisourreligion @food_religion
As much as I love eating out, it can obviously do quite a bit of damage to the bank account so when I do come across a bargain find, the coins in my wallet are cheering. With thanks to they let me wear this to work, I discovered Great Aunty Three. If you want to get a bang for your buck, then you have to try out Great Aunty Three. Yes, a bánh mi will set you back $6.50 but they are close to being double the size of your normal rolls that you would find at a bakery. 

Banh Mi's - $6.50

The serving size of these bánh mi's reminded me of the giant sandwiches you can you find at Big Bite and Little Vienna in Sydney's CBD. Great Aunty Three also do a special where you can grab a smoothie and a roll for only 10 bucks! 

Caramelised pulled pork Bánh Mi - $6.50

Pork crackling Bánh mi - $6.50

The caramlised pulled pork was extremely packed full of flavor but you might find it a bit too intense.  The pork crackling bánh mi also had decent amounts of roast pork and crackling. Both bánh mi's had loads of meat, fresh vegetables and herbs including a massive stash of coriander. Freaking noms. 
The two piggy rolls were really good but the pork crackling one was probably my favorite by a slight margin. It is just too hard not to choose something with crackling! This is probably why I could never be a vegetarian but anyways.. 

Left: Rice paper rolls (roast duck, mango and chicken as well as vegetarian) - three for $6.80
Top right: Complementary tea
Bottom right: Vietnamese Ice Coffee - $4.50

The vietnamese ice coffee was bitter but it hits the spot on the very first sip. They also serve coconut ice coffee which sounded really interesting. Unfortunately, the rice paper rolls just didn't cut it for me. The rolls (and surprisingly even the sauce) was quite bland. I thought it could of done with more herbs and meat to help give it more flavor. 
In saying that though, I still think it is worth giving Great Aunty Three a try. Their bánh mi's are definitely a must have and while you are there, could you please pick one up for me too? KThanksBye. 

Gotta go eat!!