Gravol: Proud Sponsor of the Children's Wish Foundation

By Thismomloves @ThisMomLoves

I'm sure you've heard of the fantastic Children's Wish Foundation, granting exceptional wishes to Canadian children diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses.
It's also a safe bet that you've heard of Gravol, the #1 pharmacist recommended antinauseant. Well, now the two have joined together.
I'm going to be honest here: I personally use Gravol as a sleeping pill more than for its anti-nausea properties, but we certainly have a supply on hand in our medicine cupboard. We actually picked up their Natural Source Ginger tablets specifically for their non-drowsy property when my carsick-prone husband was taking his class on a field trip (i.e. long bus ride) and falling asleep wouldn't have been good for him. Though I'm sure 30 Grade 8's would have loved an unsupervised bus ride! 

So far Frannie has been an excellent traveller, but on our trip to Mont Tremblant this summer we realized that Maggie has inherited her parents' carsick genes. Let's just say Gravol will definitely be administered before our next road trip. 

I'm no naturopath, but I actually do avoid giving my kids meds unless necessary. And "necessary" has a bit of a selfish angle to it, usually relating to interruption of my sleep. Or vomit in my vehicle.
I was impressed to learn that Gravol is a sponsor of the Children's Wish Foundation, and together they have launched a website full of parenting resources and links sure to answer your questions (that is, any questions that aren't answered through the vast expertise available at This Mom Loves!)
I checked out a couple of their links, and found valuable information on topics that are a good fit for this company, like "The Medicine Cabinet" and "Travel Tips".

The morning sickness link took me to a 2007 article with the old standby recommendations, like eating small meals and trying acupressure (neither of which worked for me - stupid, useless Seabands!) I was relieved to see that pharmaceuticals are also discussed, and thank God for Diclectin. Literally, I got down on my knees and thanked the Lord when this medication kicked in during my first pregnancy. Which I swear would have been my last if not for drugs. American readers may want to note, with jealousy, that Diclectin (the only approved medication meant specifically for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy) is available by prescription here in Canada.
You can find out more about the Children's Wish Foundation, and Gravol at their new website - Gravol: Proud Sponsor of the Children's Wish Foundation.

Of course, the website also provides a product selector to help you determine which Gravol medication will meet the needs of you and your family. They are a business after all.
Disclaimer: Wondering why I post about these things? I receive press releases from various companies and PR reps, and pick and choose which topics I feel are worth sharing.(I do not receive compensation.)  I actually do use and recommend Gravol, and believe strongly in the amazing work done by the Children's Wish Foundation.