Gravity Forms Review 2022 Top 5 Features & Pricing (Is It The Best WordPress Forms Plugin?)

Posted on the 10 April 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Many websites can use a form. For example, you might want to have a contact form for visitors to get in touch with you, sign up forms for newsletters, or surveys to evaluate user experience.

You can find free form plugins for WordPress on the internet but they are often simple and limited in their functionality. A premium plugin like Gravity Forms is much better because it allows you to do more with customizing your forms and handling the data from completed forms.

Gravity Forms has been getting a lot of competition recently, particularly from plugins such as Ninja Forms and WPForms. By the end of this review, we hope you will be able to make a decision about whether or not Gravity Forms is the right plugin for you.

Bottom Line Upfront :

There are a lot of free WordPress type extensions, but most of them are basic and have minimal features. In the meantime, premium type plugins such as Gravity Forms give you a lot better flexibility when it comes to customising your forms and managing information you get from them. Now build beautiful, powerful, and accessible forms with the most trusted wordPress form builder On the planet. With Gravity Forms you can easily generate leads, take payments & easily grow your business with high quality professional forms.

One of the best thing with Elite license of Gravity Forms is that it offers great features such as Unlimited sites, WordPress multisites, Priority Support and much more! With Add-Ons like Surveys, Quizzes, Polls, and Stripe, you can take your WordPress forms to the next level!

Try Gravity Forms and you will not regret it.

What is Gravity Forms? Gravity Forms Review

Gravity Forms is one form builder designed for WordPress websites that has seen an increase in it's contenders since its launch.

The tool is used by thousands of websites and has been acknowledged by several users and critics for being one of the most powerful and advanced WordPress form builders in the market right now.

In this post, we will go over all of the functionalities and details that you need to learn about the latest edition of Gravity Forms. So, without any further ado, LET'S BEGIN!

About Gravity Forms Review

Gravity Forms is a popular premium WordPress plugin and extension tool that allows you to build and publish information on your WordPress website. You may simply add contact forms, questionnaires, and assessments to your websites with this application.

It is known for functions like conditional coding that displays or masks some questions depending on the responses to earlier questions, and sorting, which sends form entries to email accounts listed in the form submission's content.

Gravity Forms has been here for over a decade now and it has established itself as a reliable name in the WordPress form plugin field. We will discuss how to set up Gravity Forms on your website and make the most of those functionalities in this article.

It is truly a remarkable and simple to operate type of plugin, with features that differentiates it from a standard communication type plugin.

It is among the most user friendly plugins for creating higher versions for your WordPress powered sites. Gravity Forms is by far the most popular form plugin among the WordPress users.

What can you do with Gravity Forms?

Using specific Post Fields, Gravity Forms allows developers to build posts through form submissions. The submitted form would be generated as a regular WordPress post by prototype.

This module makes it possible to control the created post's post form. There's no need for a code! This feature also allows the user to add an unique nomenclature to the created article.

Stop wasting your important leads and instead use a reliable contact form to expand your company. Gravity Forms already includes a number of adjustment settings that will offer you full command over the forms. Within a couple of minutes, you may create stunning forms.

You may quickly build almost every sort of form through Gravity Forms, including user surveys, votes, or file upload forms, and also some online purchases quizzes, and support requests. It even has an area for rich text colour editing.

And you will have a lot more leverage about how customers communicate through your forms, thanks to the configuration settings! Just after a few minutes, you can create and share your WordPress forms.

The biggest feature about this add-on is that it eliminates drudgery in favour of fast and simple form development.


Gravity Forms is a plugin that integrates with many different services. For example, it can connect to Dropbox, Fresh Books, Help Scout, PayPal, Slack and many more. There is also an option to enable user registration on your WordPress website through your custom forms.

If you're not going to use Gravity Forms with other software, then the Basic license might be the right one for you. But if you are going to use it with other software, then a Business or Developer license is better. You can find more information on this in the Pricing section of this review.

The Gravity Forms plugin has plenty of ways to end up making your WordPress lead forms - quick and simple to use. Here are a few unique functions to help you improve the quality of your forms and properly collect user information.

The Gravity Forms creator is a drag and drop framework which is easy to use. You can quickly introduce additional fields, pick various types of fields, and reorganise the fields in the form editor. The plugin provides over 30 multiple kinds of form fields, allowing you to collect almost any information you need.

Gravity Forms will submit applications to different team members based on the information filled out in the application once the users begin filling it out.

Let's assume that you own a pet care company with workers who specialise in various animal species. You could create a form that allows potential customers to select the weight or size of the animal they want to groom (for example a cat or a dog or a rabbit ).

Clients who choose "rabbit" can have their request submitted to an official who specialises in rabbit pet care. Your application may not be as cute, but it may prove to be quite useful.

The conditional configuration option in the Gravity Forms may be the most popular feature that allows you to expose or conceal different areas based on a recipient's response to choosing a particular field in the form.

For instance, if one question says, "Do you own a pet?" and the client answers "Yes," a fresh questionnaire emerges on the screen, asking the client to choose from a range of animal categories. The list field stays secret if the customer chooses "No."

Inserting price fields to receive transactions is another common Gravity Forms feature. Gravity Forms is incorporated with PayPal, allowing you to accept payments directly from your form.

You could also export information as an Excel spreadsheet if you really need to save form answers. This is particularly useful if you are collecting information through your forms over a longer period of time.

Gravity Forms also provides conversion data, allowing you to easily compare the amount of applications submitted to the number of customers who have viewed the form in an attempt to make adjustments and boost your sales.

Users can add files, such as photographs or any documents in form submissions, which is a significant advanced characteristic of Gravity Forms. Gravity Forms is also capable of handling any user generated information. You should create a form for users to fill out in order to upload WordPress articles to your blog.

With great power comes great responsibilities! While Gravity Forms is a feature-loaded platform offering you advanced tools for creating and editing forms, the developers have also made sure that the user experience of the platform is smooth and intuitive. Here are the steps on how to use Gravity Forms. We will also discuss these steps in detail.

  1. Download the Gravity Forms on your desktop.
  2. Install the Gravity Forms to your site.
  3. Activate the plugin on your WordPress site.
  4. Connect the license key.
  5. Customize the general plugin setup.
  6. Create a sample form and fill it out.
  7. Upload the form on your site.

You will be eligible to install the software as a zip file once you have purchased a Gravity Forms yearly licence. This document should be saved to your computer.

Choose Plugins > Add New from your WordPress toolbar To import the Gravity Forms zip document and then Select Upload Plugin and navigate to it on your desktop.

4. Connect the license key

When you buy Gravity Forms, you will get a license key that gives you accessibility to all of the plugin's features, like help, automated upgrades, and add-ons. To resume setting up the plugin, add the license key in the area.

Thereafter, you will be redirected to a section where you can configure your plugin's general parameters. The desired currency for purchases, error reporting, and context notifications are all included in these options.

You can set them as per your needs and preferences. Background upgrades are useful because they guarantee that your Gravity Forms installation is up-to-date and secure.

And then you will be able to see the form editor, in which you can create the form you need with the drag and drop builder, categories, and configuration options.

Once you have finished your first form, you may add it to your site. Move to the Pages section on your WordPress page, and then tap on Add New or Select an Existing One.

After clicking Update for the page, go to your website and see the new form on your site.


Embed Forums Using Codes

Gravity Forms has a built-in framework that supports embedding forms into your content using the WordPress Classic Editor and Gutenberg easy and hassle-free. You can also use the Form Widget, which is available in the Widgets menu in the WordPress Appearance tab, to embed your form into space in the widget areas of WordPress.

But, what do you do if you wish to have the same form appear under all the contents you post on your blog? One way is obviously to manually embed a form for every post using the method mentioned above. However, that would take a lot of time and effort, and is not really a smart way to accomplish the task. Right?

<b style="background-color:#FFCCCC">

However, I'd like to allow ajax submission in this case to prevent the page from reloading whenever a visitor would click the form button. The sixth parameter is used to allow ajax submissions, and another critical parameter for the use case scenario we are discussing here is the echo parameter, which we must set as 'false', which would direct Gravity Forms to return the form rather than directly displaying it on the screen.

gravity_form( 5 );</b>

As a result, all of the parameters will have default values apart from the form id, the ajax request submission and then echo, which will have values of 5, valid, and false, respectively. This is how I'll name my function:

If you want more information about every parameter involved in this code, then you can check the details in the documentation for the gravity_form() function call . At this stage, we already know which parameters and functions we will be using to get this form.

<b style="background-color:#FFCCCC">gravity_form( 5, true, true, false, false, true, false, false );</b>

Now we must create the feature that will prompt WordPress to simply enqueue the necessary files in order for the form to appear and function properly. The functioning of gravity_form_enqueue_scripts() is governed by two parameters only: First, specify the form id, and second, to allow or disable ajax submission (disabled by default).

Since we wish to use the ajax submission for the form, we'll use the following two parameters:

<b style="background-color:#FFCCCC">gravity_form_enqueue_scripts( 5, true );

Now that we have set up the Gravity Forms functions, all we have to do is call them whenever they're required to do what we created them for. The function to enqueue the files will be run using the WordPress core get header hook, which runs just prior to wp_head, ensuring that the files have already been enqueued before Gravity Forms requires them.

</b> <b style="background-color:#FFCCCC"> function gf_enqueue_required_files() { GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): running.' ); if ( is_single() & 'post' === get_post_type() ) { // Do it only for Posts. gravity_form_enqueue_scripts( 5, true ); } }

An "if" statement in the snippet ensures that it only runs for default posts on WordPress. Finally, we'll use the following code to insert our form to the end of the content of our post:

add_action( 'get_header', 'gf_enqueue_required_files' );</b> <b style="background-color:#FFCCCC">function gf_add_newsletter_form_after_post( $content ) { GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): running.' ); // Form added after the post content. $content .= gravity_form( 5, true, true, false, false, true, false, false ); return $content; }

Your Gravity form will instantly be inserted dynamically after every content you publish on WordPress once you've added the above snippets to your web. You still don't have to delete any of your posts in case you change your mind later. Since you're using snippets to embed the form on the fly, you can easily delete the snippets to prevent the form from being applied after your articles.

add_filter( 'the_content', 'gf_add_newsletter_form_after_post' );</b>

Let's walk through the steps of developing the form now that we've covered why you have contests on your website and what makes a successful contest entry form.

Creating a brand new form is the first thing, to begin with. If you have already installed Gravity Forms, then just log in to your WordPress account, enter the dashboard, and then navigate to Forms > New Form. Give the form a name and, if desired, a definition, then click Create Form.

In case you have not installed Gravity Forms, you will need to purchase a license, download the plugin and then enable it. Go to Plugins > Add fresh > Upload on your WordPress website after logging in. Select Files, and then find the zipped file you downloaded. Then select Install > Enable from the drop-down menu.

It's now time to populate your form with fields. Add the Name as well as Email fields to the form by selecting Advanced Fields from the drop-down menu. If you're giving away a physical object, don't forget to include the Address field.

Add the Consent field before entering your contest rules if you wish to show the contest guidelines on the form and want the visitors to agree to the rules. This field is always set up by default due to a privacy policy, however, you can change the text to accept the contest guidelines.

You may want to add extra fields to your form depending on the type of content you're running. If the contestants must correctly answer a question, for example, checkboxes may be added. If they need to send a picture or some other form of documentation for their entry, you may include a file upload field.

The majority of contests are timed. In other words, the contests usually have a fixed start and ending time. This feature is a great way to build up the hype and makes these contests really exciting, attracting more customers towards it. To prevent your visitors from joining the contest after it has ended, you'll need to enable some form restrictions.

You also have the option to schedule a time showing when the contest form becomes active and when it becomes inactive to meet the contest's deadline. If you check the box for scheduling the form, you will be easily able to modify the message that displays on the website page where the contest form is being shown, as well as the start and end dates.

After you've finished creating the form, simply go to the settings for Form Confirmation to personalize the confirmation message of the form. You can even guide users to a specific page on your website after they've completed the form.

Click the Form Settings tab to configure the confirmation message. Then, either edit the default confirmation message or generate a new one. Remember to set up the notifications for the form as well. New form submissions will automatically notify you, the site administrator. However, in addition to a user notification, you can generate alerts for someone else who wants to be informed of new entries for the contest.

Tap the Notifications tab to create a new update. Then press Add New and give the notification a name. Inside the Send to Email box, enter their email address if you're sending it to someone else on your team.

When your contest entry form is live and you begin collecting entries, you'll need a way to keep contestants informed of any contest news or updates. You can also provide information about upcoming promotions and other marketing materials relevant to your business.

Gravity Forms interacts with a variety of email marketing and CRM platforms, allowing you to quickly communicate with your contestants. Services like Mailchimp and HubSpot fall into this category. Go to Forms > Add-Ons and allow the HubSpot Add-On, for example, to incorporate your contest entry form with HubSpot.

To send form submission data to HubSpot, you'll need to approve your HubSpot account with Gravity Forms and create a HubSpot feed for your form.

Gravity Forms Review Pricing

Durability, Extensibility as well as scalability are all included in the Gravity Forms authorization, as well as safety and the strongest support in the world!


Priced at $59 per Year


Features: Priced at $259 per year


Features: Priced at $159 per year

When you become a customer with Gravity Forms, you would be given a fully activated Gravity Forms licence. Based on your licence form, tickets will be instantly sorted into preference or regular support lists.


Plans of Gravity Forms:

  • 1 website
  • Unlimited forms
  • Unlimited entries
  • Conditional logic
  • Multi-page forms
  • file upload
  • automatic updates
  • standard support
  • basic add-ons
1) Basic Licence ($59/Year)
  • Unlimited sites
  • unlimited forms
  • unlimited in entries
  • Conditional logic
  • Multipage forms
  • file uploads
  • WordPress multisite
  • automatic updates
  • priority support
  • Basic add-ons
  • Pro Add-Ons
  • Elite Add-Ons
2) Elite License ($259/year)
  • Three websites
  • unlimited forms
  • unlimited entries
  • conditional logic
  • multi-page forms
  • automatic updates
  • standard support
  • Basic Add-Ons
  • Pro Add-Ons

Gravity Forms has a lot of effort and time saving features, and this is the sole WordPress form software you will ever require to build beautiful forms easily. The developers of the software have made sure that you get access to all the necessary tools for building attractive forms for your business in one single platform. Here are some more useful tools and functionalities that you get with Gravity Forms.

3) Pro License ($159)
  • Drag and drop form builder
  • Multiple form entry notifications are supported.
  • Front end registration forms are possible to build
  • It enables you to customise the availability of forms based on time, position of the user, amount of entries, and other factors.
  • Conditional logic allows you to show a form which is actually proportional to the value achieved in the preceding field or, in other words, stand from being exposed to various receivers.
  • It comes with a wide range of authorized and third party add-ons to expand the features, as well as integration with mail services like AWeber and MailChimp.

Gravity Forms integration with a variety of common website software and web services is extremely simple. Essentially, Gravity Forms allows users to conveniently incorporate new designs of third-party applications such as PayPal, Stripe, and MailChimp, as well as offering data integration with WordPress through available add - ons.

Forms are important bro consider in order to design the WordPress site for creating confidence in your customers and successfully increase sales. It's well worth the price to spend in a high - quality plugin to guarantee that your data compilation is smooth and enjoyable for your customers.

This is why we suggest Gravity Forms, a versatile add-on which will elevate your forms to new heights. You can completely customise each form, from whatever the customer views to what they can send and about who gets the answers by using it.

Gravity Forms will enable you to do everything with your WordPress site, whether you need easy contact forms, email sign ups, or perhaps even intend to make sales forms.

10 Benefits of using Gravity Forms

Till now we've told you what Gravity Forms is, what they offer, what all you can do with it and how much the platform will cost you. That gives you the basic outline of Gravity Forms and its utility. Now that we're through, we will now be discussing some of the key advantages you would have if you use Gravity Forms for building forms for your online business.

    Simple, convenient ,advanced and powerful forms

Through WordPress and Gravity Forms, you can instantly and efficiently create forms online. By using the visual form online editor, you can easily create and customize your WordPress forms.

    30 plus type fields that are instantly to use

Gravity Forms allows you to use a variety of forms with feedback that is always at the touch of your finger. You just need to simply choose whatever spaces you would like to fill in.

Depending on the recipient's choices, you may customise any of your forms to display or mask areas, sections, pages, as well as the submit option This will help you to conveniently monitor which details your users are asked to include on the website, as well as customising the application to fulfill the necessities

With email alerts, you will have access to all of your privacy privileges. Gravity Forms does have an email autoresponder that will notify you if a form has been sent.

Simply step apart from the crowds and demonstrate your form-creating skills. Take your whole building to the highest point with function add-ons like surveys, polling, and questionnaires.

You can simply use a scheduling form to restrict the amount of submissions a form can obtain so that you may easily control when and where you gather information.

You can create user generated material with the use of Gravity Forms and you can also quickly build WordPress posts with a post end form.

Hardly anyone likes to receive a large amount of trash material in their inbox!! So, with the assistance of Akismet and Google Recaptcha choices, you will be able to combat mailbox spam.

Gravity Forms has a versatile interface that makes it easy to use on smartphones. And here, the forms are made up to look fantastic on a wide range of platforms. It makes no difference whether or not your form is visible; it will still look stunning!

Gravity Forms combines Stripe,MailChimp, Dropbox, PayPal, Zapier, and plenty of other services. Well, you can combine your forms with a wide range of resources and software currently on the marketplace.

Gravity Forms Customer Testimonials & Reviews :

If you run a WordPress site, Gravity Forms is the one plugin that experts agree is a must-have.

See why millions of WordPress sites rely on Gravity Forms every day for their most critical data.

Posted by Gravity Forms on Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Gravity Forms Affiliate Program

Once you have purchased one of the 3 subscription plans that Gravity Forms offers, you are eligible to join the Gravity Forms Affiliate Program. Whatever your background or occupation is, be it a true affiliate marketer, eCommerce business owner, online influencer, online coaching platform or what not, you are free to join the program as long as you have a valid Gravity Forms subscription. Signing up to the program is absolutely free!

Here is a quick guide on how to quickly get started with the Gravity Forms Affiliate Program. Just 3 simple steps, and you will be earning 20% commission on every referral you make.

Register with the Affiliate Program

You may have been using Gravity Forms for a long time and know all there is to know about it. You may be a company that advises all of its clients to use Gravity Forms. Maybe you're a blogger or influencer searching for a new product to promote.

Promote and share Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms wants you to enjoy being a member of our thriving culture, so they go out of their way to help you along the way. The organization offers an easy-to-use affiliate website, as well as an integrated affiliate support channel and extensive information on affiliate best practices, tips, and strategies.

You may refer us to your customers, write about us on your blog, or promote us on social media. You have complete freedom to interact and share Gravity Forms with your audience as you see fit as long as you follow our guidelines.

Earn your commission

Partnering with the Gravity Forms Affiliate Program will allow you to get paid 20% of commission on every sale that you refer to people. The amount you earn depends on the Gravity Forms Subscription you have purchased. Here is a quick overview of how much you can earn, depending on the package you choose.

  • If you have purchased the Basic License of Gravity Forms, which costs $59, you can earn a commission amount of $11.80
  • If you have purchased the Pro License of Gravity Forms, which costs $159, you can earn a commission amount of $31.80
  • If you have purchased the Elite License of Gravity Forms, which costs $259, you can earn a commission amount of $51.80

Gravity Forms Review FAQ's :

Is Gravity Forms Worth it For WordPress Geeks ?

This is a high quality, fully customizable and very flexible form builder plugin for WordPress that can be used to create contact or subscription forms, order forms, sign up pages and more. The plugin has several nice design templates each with their own color scheme so you can match it to your website's theme.

It includes 33+ fields including text areas, checkboxes, various text boxes, date pickers and more. You also have the ability to add custom fields. Gravity Forms support is excellent but the only caveat with this product is that it's a bit difficult to use for non-techy people. Gravity Form users can take advantage of Gravity's paid add-ons in order to get additional functionality including payment integration, sending emails based on submitted forms and more.

Conclusion: Gravity Forms Reviews

Without any doubt, Gravity Forms has proved to be a versatile add-on that enables it's users to build forms, and moreover the varieties of forms you can develop are endless. Gravity Forms is incredibly simple to operate and in addition to this , it comes with so many add-ons to expand its capabilities.

Gravity Forms is a great plugin. It can make forms without limits. You have control over the form's settings and options. If you want to use more features than they offer, then you can pay for them with other people's products and services. For this, it is not hard to use the Gravity Forms. The different types of forms are easy to create and change because of Gravity Forms' drag-and-drop builder tools, but there are also settings that allow you to change how your form works and what it does.

So now, if you want something more than just a basic contact form, Gravity Forms is the right choice for you, and it is highly suggested by us.