Grave Digger - Home At Last

Posted on the 18 July 2012 by Ripplemusic

The history of this band is written on the walls of heavy metal heroes and legends….written in blood and steel. They are a juggernaut of thrashing riffs and solid vocal assaults. A little heavier than Accept at their height. Very close to early savatage. But enough of any attempts at mere comparisons, Grave Digger stand on their own as inheritors of the metal throne.
This album, “Home at last” swirls around your skull and pummels you with some really intense songmanship. They know what their audience likes and they play that. No questions asked. This is true metal. Speed and fury is intermixed with some killer lyrics. Wow, I am listening to this and it just keeps getting louder and louder. Pure metal ecstasy.

6 songs of pure power metal. My favorite? Hands down… “Heavy metal breakdown” the live version. What a killer track. “Home at Last” and “Metal will never die” are also two great tracks from this album. My only complaint…..I want more songs!!!! But that’s just me...I get funny like that when I really like a good solid metal band.
9 out of 10 horns up!