Grateful on a Monday!

By Therelishedroost

I have Power!  Who would have thought I would be so grateful to have power, but I am! We got power back on Saturday and I have been cleaning and re-grouping ever since. I am also so grateful to have my family safe and a roof over my head. It pains me to know there are those still out there that weren't so lucky and my heart goes out to them.
I am also thankful to have been nominated by one of my favorite bloggers-Caroline of "Inner - Outer Beauty"for the Liebster Award.

This is an award to a blog for content etc that has less than 200 followers.  I was shocked to receive it because I started this blog a little under a year ago in hopes to  to send out some fun and informative tidbits and never expected one follower much less the wonderful 44 that I have now. Caroline has asked me to state 11 things about myself, and to answer some fun questions in order to receive this award. This is a difficult thing for me, I love to write about everything except myself so here I go!
11 facts about ME:
Before venturing into art and design I was actually an intensive care nurse in NYC, and was accepted to Columbia for the Nurse Practioner program.
I have always sketched and love art since I could walk, and my first drawing was of Prince Edward when I was in 2nd grade.
I have been married to a man that still makes me laugh for what will be 20 years in 2013!
I have 3 great children. I know that sounds so typical and believe me I don't want to brag but I have been very lucky to have girls that have only given me a few gray hairs so far!
I  volunteer at St. Hubert's Animal shelter.
My sisters are also my dear friends, and my youngest sister is my partner at Town & Country Interiors.
My sister and I have a crush on Christian Bale, don't worry my poor husband already knows!
My parents are still alive thank goodness and were such a help to us during the storm.. I dont know what I would have done with out them!
I lived in Ireland when I was a child for several months, and I still long for those days of running freely through the hills and smelling the turf burning!
I am a handy-woman, will attempt almost any type of home maintenance.
I long to design a Brownstone in NYC! Or at least assist Steven Gambrel in doing one, that would be amazing!
What makes you happy on a Monday?- Monday makes me happy when I can look back on a good weekend spent with my 3 children and husband, that and non- fat chai in my hands! What drives you to write your blog every day? I love connecting with others who love interior design, art, interesting people and appreciate learning something new everyday! I think it drives me to post things that I think may be of interest to others and in turn I learn something myself.Where do you want to live if you could choose freely? This is a tough one! I miss living in NYC, there is something about it that always has me coming back for more.  However, I would need to escape from time to time to the country or mountains so if I could have the best of both worlds I would be in heaven!City girl or country girl?  I think the previous question answered this one! I am definitely a bit of both. I could tend to farm animals one minute and be off to a  Broadway play in the next! Which is your greatest asset according to yourself? I am not sure, but I believe its helping others.  I sometimes feel that I don’t do enough but would if I could!What do you think your friends would say is your greatest asset? I think they may say that I am dependable, and if they need anything they can always come to me I will help you anyway I can!Favorite food? I have recently returned to my Vegetarian diet, but still long for a seared Ahi tuna with wasabi glaze and jasmine riceDo you have a famous person you are inspired by?There are so many wonderful people that inspire me, but I think I am a bit obsessed with Audrey Hepburn. I loved her style and grace and how she helped poor children in her elder years. I tried to name my youngest Audrey but my husband wasn’t quite as enamored with the thought! Do you believe in the power of thoughts? Yes I absolutely do! I believe we have more power than we are aware of, and that positive thoughts can bring positive results. Just imagine if the whole world thought a positive thought simultaneously, there would be definite healing in that moment.Where do you want to go on your next vacation? I would love to see Paris. I studied French in high school and need to brush up on that language before I embarrass myself abroad! I look forward to strolling the streets with a baguette in one hand a glass of champagne in another!What is luxury to you? I think luxury is never having to worry about money, and using it to help others who aren’t as fortunate!
Again, thank you to Inner-Outer Beauty for the nomination! I will be posting my nominations tomorrow along with the questions for each nominee. I am glad to be back to blogging about what I love!