Granny Prints

By Bella @fashioncultblog

 //shirt - carboot// top - eBay// jeans - Topshop// shoes - Newlook// handbag - carboot// hat - ASOS//

It's been a while! I don't feel the need to apologise because blogging is a hobby and if I'm not feeling it for a couple of weeks why would I make myself blog? I hope that doesn't come across harsh but I never understand why bloggers apologize for not blogging because its a hobby something to enjoy that I personally feel should be done when you feel like it not because you haven't for a week or two, and you shouldn't feel pressured to create content it should be F.U.N!

Anyways end of my views, & back to the outfit: I didn't think I would like this shirt as much as I do because the prints a bit granny like, if you understand me? The length is really perfect for these jeans because they cover your behind, I just have a phobia of my bum in light color jeans. I'm in love with this little crocheted fringed bag, its so perfect for summer as its lightweight also it was only £1 :)