Grand Copthorne Waterfront

By Coffee Kaki @askcoffeekaki

Overall : 
Aroma :Body :
Expression : Drink again : Good
Damn nice
Yes. If. 

Operated by Millennium, Copthorne and Kingsgate hotel chains and it's a leading British-based company in the hospitality industry, headquarted in London. This hotel that I'm staying is among the 120 hotels in 19 countries. The room is nice. Comfy. The breakfast is very generous and coffee is good too! Love it. Just that the hotel is surrounded with no food! Need to walk at least 15 mins to the nearest shopping mall. After a tired day of training. Room service will do just fine. hehe

Overall : 
Aroma :Body :
Expression : Drink again : Okay
Was there
Not really

Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel
Millenium Hotels & Resorts
392 Havelock Road,
Singapore 169663
Phone: +65 6733 0880