Empire star, Grace Byers, who just celebrated her one year wedding anniversary on Good Friday with co-star, Trai Byers took to social media to honor her husband as her king, and then to honor “The King” for being the cornerstone of their marriage.
First, we commemorate the ultimate sacrifice of God’s love through His son. The experiences I have personally had with God’s grace and love are immeasurable. The power I’ve seen and the mercy I’ve known cannot be matched. I love basking in His spectacular creations of nature because they continue to remind me of how small I am in comparison to His Majesty. I’m forever grateful for and humbled by God’s presence in my life and the blessings He has bestowed upon me; one of which, is my husband. As we also celebrate our very first wedding anniversary today, I see that Love has so many different names and faces and it feels like he has shown me them all through God. I’ve learned love through joy, compromise, laughter, communication, patience, humility, selflessness, next-level consideration, sacrifice and wisdom. Here’s to my king who gets up every morning and prays, leads, cares for, protects, and secures our family with the greatest of love. And here’s to the ultimate King; our God, who IS love; the cornerstone of our marriage, our hearts and our lives. Today is not only Good Friday; for me, it’s the Best Friday.
Happy Anniversary!!!!!