What Is The Best 12 Month Electricity Rate In Sugarland?
Early summer electric bills in Texas can be just like a roller coaster. Even with the unseasonably cool temperatures so far this summer, you know your electric meter will spin much more quickly for the next three or four months. As those numbered wheels roll over, your monthly bill climbs. Hang onto your wallet! Like the rest of the state, Sugarland electric bills are highest in the summer. So, it’s most important this time of year to have the power plan best suited to your needs. The best 12 month electricity rate in Sugarland comes from Champion Energy. Their Free Weekends-12 plan has the lowest bill for customers averaging 1,000 kWh per month despite an average rate higher than other plans. It’s $99 average bill makes it the only 12 month plan without a triple-digit bill.
Understand Free Weekends
Free weekend plans are great for some customers and terrible for others. The key to picking a free weekend plan or any other electricity plan is to understand your usage. According to the Free Weekends-12 electricity facts label, the advertised price assumes customers consume 70 percent on weekdays and 30 percent on weekends. If your usage skews toward a weekend percentage greater than 30 percent, this plan could be a good option for you. Conversely, if you consume more than 70 percent of your power on weekdays, you should look over other plans.
One problem all weekend plans share is that during the warmest summer months, your air conditioner works around the clock, 7 days a week. Even overnight, the outside temperature will be warmer than your thermostat’s setting. And during the day, July and August will make your HVAC system run nearly nonstop. This makes lowering your energy consumption on weekdays difficult but not impossible. Invest in a programmable thermostat or smart thermostat to make sure your HVAC system isn’t running when you don’t need it. That can help save you money.
Champion Energy Rewards Program
An additional factor in your decision whether to choose this plan is the Free Weekends Cash Back rewards program. Customers enrolled in one of Champion Energy’s free weekend plans receive five percent of their retail energy charges applied as a credit to the next month’s bill. This doesn’t mean you get five percent of your bill back because the credit is not applied for utility charges. But still, that’s a nice little kickback on the best 12 month electricity rate in Sugarland!
Bring On The Electricity Savings
If you consume a lot of power on weekends and relatively little on weekdays, the Free Weekends-12 plan is one you should seriously consider. After all, it has the lowest bill for any 12 month electricity rate in Sugarland. But, if free weekends don’t mean much to you, you still have tons of other options at http://www.texaselectricityratings.com. Find a plan with a pricing structure to sync with your usage. From there, sign up and let the savings roll in!