Governor's Luck

Posted on the 09 September 2015 by Mike Lindley @fruitbatwalton

As afficionados of Ralph's Life will know we're a sucker for a good Crowdfunder, so it was with great interest that word of a campaign by Governor's Luck to fund their debut album hit the kennels inbox.
Following five years of relentless gigging and the release of The Rumour Mill EP Governor's Luck released an album Drop Everything earlier this year. It's now their intention to use crowdfunding to finance the production of a limited edition on vinyl plus a UK tour.

Governor's Luck are Jack Horscraft on Vocals, Manny Martinez on Bass, George Horscraft on Guitar and Ben Daniels on Drums. They have this to say about the project and their fans...
"We've been so lucky to be able to connect with passionate people across the globe thanks to our age of internet. Over the past 5 years we've connected with incredible music fans worldwide!"

"In that time we've experienced joy and connection we never dreamed we could. Whether it be tourists gifts from Canada, hand delivered by one of the most passionate music fans we've ever been lucky enough to meet, or a flag adorning handwritten lyrics from The Rumour Mill, flown all the way from the other side of the world, we have truly felt the love of Governor's Luck fans the world over, and it's just the beginning."

So if you'd like to be part of the Governor's Luck journey, check out the crowdfunder and grab yourself a unique piece of Indie musical history!

£ 540