Governor Plays Politics With The Lives Of Texas Citizens

Posted on the 04 March 2021 by Jobsanger
COVID-19 cases and deaths were headed in the right direction in Texas -- both were headed downward. But that does not mean the pandemic is over in the state. The numbers for both cases and deaths were still higher than for October and November.

With the vaccine being made slightly more available, and the continued wearing of masks and social distancing, those numbers could continue to decrease.

Unfortunately, the governor of Texas is either not very smart, or he just doesn't care about the lives of his fellow Texans. On Tuesday, he announced that all COVID-19 restrictions would be removed in the state on March 10th. Abbott said people should continue doing what they've been doing for the past year to protect themselves, but those things will no longer be required. Businesses can also open to 100% of capacity.

Why did Gov. Abbott do this? It's because he's under severe criticism for the weather crisis that Texans just endured. He could have asked the legislature to require winterizing the Texas electric grid, but he didn't -- and that's coming back to bite him on the ass. So to please his right-wing followers, he's removing the pandemic restrictions. He thinks that will make him more popular with Texas, but chances are very good that it will just produce another spike in cases and deaths from the virus.

The governor is not taking the pandemic seriously. He is just playing politics. Unfortunately, his brand of politics will just increase unnecessarily the deaths of Texans!